'hairy leg' stockings


Lawful neutral
Would you be caught wearing these? The 'hairy leg' stockings designed to help women ward off unwanted male attention | Mail Online

It might seem like the androgynous fashion trend taken too far, but a Chinese company’s new ‘hairy leg’ hosiery hopes to help women ward off unwanted male attention.

A photograph posted to the Shanghai-based website ChinaSMACK shows a model from the waist down wearing the on-trend stockings.

A caption below touts them as the perfect 'summertime anti-pervert' device and 'essential for young girls going out’.


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aka Mrs. Giant
Would you be caught wearing these? The 'hairy leg' stockings designed to help women ward off unwanted male attention | Mail Online

It might seem like the androgynous fashion trend taken too far, but a Chinese company’s new ‘hairy leg’ hosiery hopes to help women ward off unwanted male attention.

A photograph posted to the Shanghai-based website ChinaSMACK shows a model from the waist down wearing the on-trend stockings.

A caption below touts them as the perfect 'summertime anti-pervert' device and 'essential for young girls going out’.

OMFG :jet: :roflmao: