Half of store-bought chicken contains superbugs


Adopt me please !
" WASHINGTON - About 97 percent of raw chicken breasts tested in a nationwide survey carried bacteria dangerous to humans, according to a Consumer Reports analysis released Thursday.

The group tested more than 300 chicken breasts purchased from major grocery chains, big-box stores and regional markets in 26 states. Each of the major brands tested -- Perdue, Pilgrim's, Sanderson Farms and Tyson -- contained "worrisome amounts of bacteria," the report says, including chicken labeled as organic or not containing antibiotics. "

Half of store-bought chicken contains superbugs - WTOP.com


New Member
Don't eat chicken, everyone......join me.....come to the dark side and let's eat some vegetables together............

So.... should we talk about how much salmonella is carried in fruits and veggies?? How many spinach recalls? Melons?

Most of these bugs wouldn't bother us if we weren't such a hand-washing society wiping out our natural immunities.


New Member
Just so there's no confusion, I'm just kidding. I am well aware that there are people out there the world doesn't not want to be inflicted with if meat became unavailable. Like my husband.

I am not a part of a vegan agenda or alliance.

.....as far as you know...

I kid, I kid!


New Member
It’s unrealistic to expect that the uncooked chicken you buy won’t contain any potentially harmful bacteria. That’s one reason we advise you to prevent raw chicken or its juices from touching any other food and to cook it to at least 165˚ F. (Check our reviews of meat thermometers.) Yet some bacteria are more worrisome than others—and our latest tests produced troubling findings. More than half of the samples contained fecal contaminants. And about half of them harbored at least one bacterium that was resistant to three or more commonly prescribed antibiotics.

Chicken Safety | Chicken Contamination - Consumer Reports