Ham stuffing time...


But wait, there's more...
SmallTown said:
When I first heard about stuffed ham, I thought it was the strangest thing. But then someone brought it to a company outing, and I gobbled it down. Good stuff.

closet smib :neener:

I had 2A's stuffed ham, and it was pretty good! :yay::yay: I've not had it anywhere else though to compare. :ohwell:


I never used to like the stuff........but I made it once for the family and now I love it. Now I have to make it like 2-3 times a year for everyone. I make sure I cook it outside of the trailer though....cause it stinks to high heaven when its cooking and I hate for the smell of stuffed ham to cover up the cat pi$$ smell I've worked so hard for.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
nomoney said:
I never used to like the stuff........but I made it once for the family and now I love it. Now I have to make it like 2-3 times a year for everyone. I make sure I cook it outside of the trailer though....cause it stinks to high heaven when its cooking and I hate for the smell of stuffed ham to cover up the cat pi$$ smell I've worked so hard for.


But wait, there's more...
elaine said:
Very sensitive. I even gag on my toothbrush.

You know there's a thought bubble right now over Pete's head where he's fantasizing about you minding your dental needs. :lol:


nomoney said:
I never used to like the stuff........but I made it once for the family and now I love it. Now I have to make it like 2-3 times a year for everyone. I make sure I cook it outside of the trailer though....cause it stinks to high heaven when its cooking and I hate for the smell of stuffed ham to cover up the cat pi$$ smell I've worked so hard for.


Ya'll need any more sand?


professional daydreamer
crabcake said:
You know there's a thought bubble right now over Pete's head where he's fantasizing about you minding your dental needs. :lol:

How exciting that must be. :gag: :choke: :gag: :lmao:


Asperger's Poster Child
duke'sdad said:
There are lots of different recipies for it. Seems as you go north from Ridge , people use more greens and less cabbage.
Very true. My Ridge-area inlaws use mostly cabbage, with a little kale for color, and some red and black pepper. The Leonardtown and 7th District recipe seems to be much more kale, with a lot of mustard seed.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Mustard seed was what I was missing from my hams for a long time. My 7th district in laws provided me with their family recipe and I combined it with my 1st district recipe.

Sort of a smib yin and yang thing :lol:


Asperger's Poster Child
kom526 said:
Mustard seed was what I was missing from my hams for a long time. My 7th district in laws provided me with their family recipe and I combined it with my 1st district recipe.

Sort of a smib yin and yang thing :lol:
I assume you're talking about your EX-inlaws, since calling your spouse a SMIB would be considered grounds for divorce.