Certified P.I.A.
I've been reading these things for years and I just recently signed up in case there was anything I felt I wanted to comment on. I read these things everyday about how bad SOMD drivers are and everyone's interpretation of the laws and I never wanted to get into that debate, and I STILL Don't. There's one thing that really bugs me as an Emergency Service Volunteer though. It's the way other drivers react, or don't react, when they see the ambulance or fire truck coming towards them. This does not apply to everyone but there is a noticable percentage that will do these things every single time.
FYI: If you're doing 60 in a 45 so you dont have to pull over for us, you're an idiot. You are not outrunning us you are slowing us down. We are keeping a safe distance until you move over so we can accelerate.
If We approach you from behind and you pull over, PLEASE STOP. Pull over and stop. You don't know where we are going and pacing us in the emergency lane is not only dangerous and illegal, but more often than not, you end up blocking the driveway we are trying to get to. That goes for oncoming cars too.
If you see a RED fire house signal. Pay attention. IT IS A RED LIGHT YOU ARE REQUIRED TO STOP FOR. Your little Honda Civic is no match for a fire engine. You will lose your car and the low end price for an average ambulance is about $150,000. Alot of fire trucks are just shy of a million and we pay for these things ourselves through fundraisers. You will be delaying the time it takes to help that person who originally called us.
For those of you doing 10 under the speed limit, swerving all over the road with the phone stuck to your head, that 12 foot tall red thing behind you with the million blinking lights 3 sirens and air horn, is a fire truck. HANG UP AND PULL OVER! That burning house may be yours someday and that person not breathing may be you.
For the most part, when you're at a light and we come from behind you, there is no need to do any crazy manuevers. We dont want to force anyone into danger. Our equipment triggers the traffic lights in a few seconds, but we have to be within range.
I know I will raise alot of stink with some regulars. I am prepared to get hit with all kinds of Maryland Traffic Law Articles. There will be a thousand complaints of Fire Trucks running people off the road and I'm prepared for it all. We, just like you, are not perfect drivers. But we all need to work together to keep everyone safe. Thank you to everyone that does the right thing. Thank you to the people who wave us through when we dont have lights on and when you have the right of way. Thank you to all who support us.
FYI: If you're doing 60 in a 45 so you dont have to pull over for us, you're an idiot. You are not outrunning us you are slowing us down. We are keeping a safe distance until you move over so we can accelerate.
If We approach you from behind and you pull over, PLEASE STOP. Pull over and stop. You don't know where we are going and pacing us in the emergency lane is not only dangerous and illegal, but more often than not, you end up blocking the driveway we are trying to get to. That goes for oncoming cars too.
If you see a RED fire house signal. Pay attention. IT IS A RED LIGHT YOU ARE REQUIRED TO STOP FOR. Your little Honda Civic is no match for a fire engine. You will lose your car and the low end price for an average ambulance is about $150,000. Alot of fire trucks are just shy of a million and we pay for these things ourselves through fundraisers. You will be delaying the time it takes to help that person who originally called us.
For those of you doing 10 under the speed limit, swerving all over the road with the phone stuck to your head, that 12 foot tall red thing behind you with the million blinking lights 3 sirens and air horn, is a fire truck. HANG UP AND PULL OVER! That burning house may be yours someday and that person not breathing may be you.
For the most part, when you're at a light and we come from behind you, there is no need to do any crazy manuevers. We dont want to force anyone into danger. Our equipment triggers the traffic lights in a few seconds, but we have to be within range.
I know I will raise alot of stink with some regulars. I am prepared to get hit with all kinds of Maryland Traffic Law Articles. There will be a thousand complaints of Fire Trucks running people off the road and I'm prepared for it all. We, just like you, are not perfect drivers. But we all need to work together to keep everyone safe. Thank you to everyone that does the right thing. Thank you to the people who wave us through when we dont have lights on and when you have the right of way. Thank you to all who support us.