Harvard president apologizes, says she feels ‘regret’ following testimony before Congress


Beloved Misanthrope
Claudine Gay initially had difficulty outright denouncing antisemitic speech on Harvard's campus

Harvard President Claudine Gay has apologized for remarks she made on antisemitism during her testimony before Congress.

"I am sorry. Words matter." Gay said during an interview with The Harvard Crimson on Thursday.

"When words amplify distress and pain, I don’t know how you could feel anything but regret," she added.

On Tuesday, Gay sat before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce to discuss antisemitism and threats against Jewish students on Harvard’s campus.

"I got caught up in what had become at that point, an extended, combative exchange about policies and procedures," Gay said. "What I should have had the presence of mind to do in that moment was return to my guiding truth, which is that calls for violence against our Jewish community — threats to our Jewish students — have no place at Harvard and will never go unchallenged. Substantively, I failed to convey what is my truth."

Running it through the Democrat To English Translator...

"I am sorry this is causing me trouble. And at this point what does it matter?"
"One of those Gazanites could have been my son!"
"From the River To The Sea!"


Well-Known Member
Congress should have turned the tables, "what if they all wanted to kill COLOREDS"? Would you have expelled them?


Resident PIA
Her and her pal at PENN are as ignorant as it can get, I mean just a lack of knowledge and self awareness.
If you know a Harvard or Penn graduate tell them if the leadership of their university is any indication, they are idiots and should have gone to the community college and saved the money


Beloved Misanthrope
Liz Magill has resigned as UPenn president. :cheers:
So 1 down 2 to go

Harvards Claudine Gay and MITs Sally Kornbluth need to either resign or be fired!

University of Pennsylvania president was the one that cost the university a $100 million donation wasnt it?


University of Pennsylvania president was the one that cost the university a $100 million donation wasnt it?
Yep - well - that was the biggest loss although others pulled out, I am sure that stung pretty hard.

I was just reading that she will be staying on in some other capacity just not the president. If I was a donor, I'd want her gone. That entire response was ignorant.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
This is what you get with DEI.
Affirmative action hires almost always have a lower standard of ability.

And she was served up a softball question. Any mediocre high school student would have given the correct answer in this scenario. So is the president stupid, incompetent or somehow mentally addled? Because her speech before the committee would appear than she's lacking common sense U& empathy.


Resident PIA
Affirmative action hires almost always have a lower standard of ability.
Nowhere is that more evident than the current administration in DC. Now they have a letter from 40 anonymous interns scolding Brandon on his Israel policy. Incompetence or corruption at the head of every agency on top of that.