These signs are going up EVERYWHERE.
My family lives in NJ, so we travel there several times a year. This last time, as I was getting on to the Delaware Memorial Bridge (heading TO NJ-God what a hole), there was the crisis sign. It says "Are you in Crisis? Call" and then some number.
Well, at that particular moment, I was rather frazzled. I start screaming at the stupid sign "OF COURSE I'm in crisis, you effing morons. I'm driving INTO NJ, ON a bridge (I have a fear of bridges), AT NIGHT (don't see well at night), sandwiched between 3 Trucks going effing 20 on the effing bridge, with a SCREAMING 1 month old and his heart rate monitor going off, a screaming 3 year old, and a whiny 8 year old listening to some stupid song that I can't understand the effing words to."
My 8 year old stopped whining and started cracking up.

So did I. I love to laugh at those signs.