Has anyone else noticed...


...the Crisis Hotline signs including telephone numbers that they put up on the bridge? Is this new because I do not remember seeing them? I am guessing it is because of all the jumpers this year.


Lem Putt
aanderson said:
...the Crisis Hotline signs including telephone numbers that they put up on the bridge? Is this new because I do not remember seeing them? I am guessing it is because of all the jumpers this year.
They were put up last week. I cannot imagine how those signs could make any difference at all, but people want action taken no matter what. They don't care if it helps at all, as long as they do something .


I know nothing
Eff the stupid sign.. These jumpers wont use the phone number any more then they would use life jackets, if we put some up there.


Watch it
aanderson said:
...the Crisis Hotline signs including telephone numbers that they put up on the bridge? Is this new because I do not remember seeing them? I am guessing it is because of all the jumpers this year.

I figured they would install those emergency phones up there or put signs up. It probably wouldn't help most of them, but who knows...


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
jenbengen said:
I figured they would install those emergency phones up there or put signs up. It probably wouldn't help most of them, but who knows...
With my luck, I would be put on hold!


Signs to call but no phone to call that number?

They expect every jumper to have a call phone on them?


New Member
These signs are going up EVERYWHERE.

My family lives in NJ, so we travel there several times a year. This last time, as I was getting on to the Delaware Memorial Bridge (heading TO NJ-God what a hole), there was the crisis sign. It says "Are you in Crisis? Call" and then some number.

Well, at that particular moment, I was rather frazzled. I start screaming at the stupid sign "OF COURSE I'm in crisis, you effing morons. I'm driving INTO NJ, ON a bridge (I have a fear of bridges), AT NIGHT (don't see well at night), sandwiched between 3 Trucks going effing 20 on the effing bridge, with a SCREAMING 1 month old and his heart rate monitor going off, a screaming 3 year old, and a whiny 8 year old listening to some stupid song that I can't understand the effing words to."

My 8 year old stopped whining and started cracking up. :lmao: So did I. I love to laugh at those signs.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if there would be someone who was on the "edge" and saw that sign and might just make a call as a cry for help. I think if someone is bound and determined, then it is going to happen, but I think some people who commit suicide might have gotten too far without realizing all of the consequences.


Enjoying life!
Why would a suicidal need a bridge anyway? And if they are heading for the pinnacle of a bridge to end it all, would they be reading road signs? Duh.

Someone feels good about posting those signs...bully for them. :lol:


In My Opinion
makes sense to put them on the bridge.
by the time you would be reading them if they were floating in the water, you would already be on your way.

now that being said.

what say we get a group of like 50 or so and go stand on the bridge and start writing down the number and passing around cell phones.

wonder what the faces would be like on the people driving by.


Darwin was right
I haven't seen th signs yet. Are they multiple languages and do they also have them in braille? The signs should at least meet the same stringent requirements that are required for all of the products that we buy at Wal-Mart (and ATM machines).