Has anyone else noticed...


New Member
I would think getting stuck on that bridge in bumper to bumper traffic would be a cause to call the hot line. :jameo:


I still suggest diving boards and a deposit box marked "please deposit $40,000.00 before jumping to cover for search and rescue efforts". !!!


Pitty Party
FireBrand said:
I still suggest diving boards and a deposit box marked "please deposit $40,000.00 before jumping to cover for search and rescue efforts". !!!

Can you give me an Amen :yay:


In My Opinion
it might be cheaper to put some type of fly paper that would stick to their feet on the ledge hooked up to a bungie strap.
that way, if they really do jump, rescue can just wait till they stop bouncing and pull them back up.


Lem Putt
bcp said:
it might be cheaper to put some type of fly paper that would stick to their feet on the ledge hooked up to a bungie strap.
that way, if they really do jump, rescue can just wait till they stop bouncing and pull them back up.
They need to put out float coats like they wear on the flight deck of a carrier. Auto inflating, so the body floats after it hits, but does nothing to lessen the impact. They can even put on a strobe light and dye pack to make sure they find the body. It's not like the state can do anything to prevent the suicides, so we might as well make them less expensive.