Has anyone else noticed?

Hot N Bothered

New Member
A huge increase in the amount of spam and/or telemarketers?

Suddenly, I have a ton of spam getting past the spamblocker on my email. And I also have a bunch more telemarketers calling and getting past the "no-call list" by conducting "surveys."

Is anyone else having this problem?


aps45819 said:
I've been getting a lot of "Stock Sale" spam lately. I guess my penis is big enough now.

That one made me choke...hahaha! :yum:


Super Genius
I have noticed that spam is getting through the filter, but no increase in telemarketers :knockonwood:


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
aps45819 said:
I've been getting a lot of "Stock Sale" spam lately. I guess my penis is big enough now.

:yeahthat: I've actually seen a decrease in spam overall.


Lovin' being Texican
Hot N Bothered said:
A huge increase in the amount of spam and/or telemarketers?

There have actually been a number of threads on the forums that appear to be spam. You know them when you see them.

Where else do you see a promotional posting by a member who joined only this month?