Has anyone here agreed to stay married until the kids left home?


God bless the USA
Why should I care how many times you bite your tongue or sit on your hands because of my posts? It's a public forum and you have posted all kinds of things I never replied to. Who cares?

Maybe RR's intentions in taking care of the Ex are sincere, who knows. He has said things in the past on the forums concerning women and such, which are a bit suspect to me. Which also leads me to think his "Silence of the Lambs" schtick is (not only old) frankly, a bit creepy. Yeah - I met him IRL one time on a M & G and he used the line then. :rolleyes: I decided to engage in conversation elsewhere.

All of which have nothing to do with my son and his disability nor my caretaking of him, for that matter.

Fair enough. :yay:


Active Member
My parents had a pretty loveless marriage; I think they held it together as long as they could for our sake, but shortly after I left for college my mother openly sought other men (I think she probably strayed a few times prior to that) and they finally divorced when I left for the Navy. My sister was still in high school and she (to my mother's relief) chose to stay with our dad until she left for college. The point is, I didn't really understand that men and women actually enjoyed each other's company, or that a marriage could be a positive healthy thing until I met my husband. My parents rarely fought, but any show of affection was rare to non-existent. I married into a loving, touchy feely family and learned a lot from them. I have wondered how my view might have been different if they'd divorced earlier.

To comment on RR's post, my mother was married twice prior to my father. My grandmother raised my half-sister with the help of my mother's second husband - who was my half sister's step-father. When he died, my grandmother moved in with my mother's first husband and his wife and they cared for her until she died. (I just found this tidbit out a few months ago). So what RR is doing does not seem all that odd to me.