Larry Gude
Strung Out
I could re-post what I wrote but...
...then I'd still have to expect you to actually read what I said, which you haven't done so far, so...
I am AGAINST the intrusive, overboard mess that is 'homeland security' especially the untold billions that have been spent to correct a problem cockpit door retrofits would have fixed for pennies on the dollar.
I am all for spending way more on real national defense; the military. Pay, benefits, weapons, training, bullets.
I am all for tracking and running down and violating the civil rights of people where their is reason to believe they are up to no good. I am all for greater cooperation between our existing security agancies.
We need not become a police state. We simply need to kill those who would kill us, but kill them first.
National Security. We already had a discussion on this, and people like Larry think we are already spending too much money on this. If we begin cut backs to please people like Larry, the rest of us will be worried about the notion of cutting national security spending.
...then I'd still have to expect you to actually read what I said, which you haven't done so far, so...
I am AGAINST the intrusive, overboard mess that is 'homeland security' especially the untold billions that have been spent to correct a problem cockpit door retrofits would have fixed for pennies on the dollar.
I am all for spending way more on real national defense; the military. Pay, benefits, weapons, training, bullets.
I am all for tracking and running down and violating the civil rights of people where their is reason to believe they are up to no good. I am all for greater cooperation between our existing security agancies.
We need not become a police state. We simply need to kill those who would kill us, but kill them first.