Hate Xbox?

Grave Robber

New Member
Pandora said:
Because her face doesn't provide digital imagery that blows crap up and has wizards and crap to contend with, which is the same reason the teachers are having a tough time keeping the attention of students.

Girl, if you want it gone, unplug it, take it and hid it. :biggrin:



New Member
Pandora said:
Because her face doesn't provide digital imagery that blows crap up and has wizards and crap to contend with, which is the same reason the teachers are having a tough time keeping the attention of students.

Girl, if you want it gone, unplug it, take it and hid it. :biggrin:

hahahah :lmao:

I had the perfect opportunity, too. The xbox had to be sent back to microsoft because it had the fatal "ring of death" and stopped working like they are famous for doing. I had to be the one to wait around all day for it to be delivered because they had to have a signature for it and it had to be place in my hands personally by UPS. I was afraid to do anything for fear of missing the delivery man's knock. If speed crapping were an olympic sport, I would have been bringing home the gold. I should have told him that he had the wrong house....or that my fiance had moved and left no forwarding address...


luckystar07 said:
I wish my b/f would he belives good quality time together involves playing x box together... :nono:

And what's your idea of spending quality time together?



mainman said:
Someone must be doing something wrong then...:shrug:

Nope not at all. Not being plowed or having buttons diddled isn't the end of the world...



New Member
I say join him. I love guitar hero and now I'm better than he is hehehe. Of course there's always time for other things. Around our house we have a time for xbox. Take control woman *grin*.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Pandora said:
Because her face doesn't provide digital imagery that blows crap up and has wizards and crap to contend with, which is the same reason the teachers are having a tough time keeping the attention of students.

Girl, if you want it gone, unplug it, take it and hid it. :biggrin:

Getting naked is easier.


New Member
Chain729 said:
Getting naked is easier.

Sure it is, but I'm rather sensitive and I would be in tears if I were told to move my ass away from the TV screen because I was blocking his view. :ohwell:


New Member
Pandora said:
Sure it is, but I'm rather sensitive and I would be in tears if I were told to move my ass away from the TV screen because I was blocking his view. :ohwell:

Both him and his xbox would be kicked to the curb if that ever happened.