Have the Forums ever made you cry?

Have the forums ever made you cry?

  • Yes, people can be awfully mean.

    Votes: 21 33.3%
  • #### no! It's the internet for pete's sake!

    Votes: 42 66.7%

  • Total voters

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Do tears of...

K_Jo said:
P.S. Tears of laughter do not count. :lol:

...joy count? What about tears from a soup crumb (been there for a long time) bouncing up off the keyboard and thwacking me in the eye?

How about bleary eyed, insomniac 3 am tears?


professional daydreamer
Yes. And that was the last hurt I experienced. That's the reason I'm the cast iron b!tch I am today.


New Member
Today, I almost had tears of anger at some SOB after I saw the link and the pictures ofwhat he did to a child