

Cleopatra Jones
Many of you that know me personally know that I'm prone to migraines as well as regular headaches that can be brought on if someone so much as looks at me crosseyed. For years I have literally lived with a headache.

I still get migraines and they'll likely never go away. They are usually hormonal in nature. Relpax. This stuff is a Godsend.

Other then that I've been tracking them. When I get a headache I list everything I've even eaten in the hours before I got it, how much sleep I had the night before, etc. And the winner is.... SUGAR! If I eat a buttload of sugar then it's damn well certain I'm getting a headache. Processed sugar. Candy. So I researched it and there's something called reactive hypoglycemia (sp?) that only happens after you injest a buttload of sugar and ofter causes headaches. So for the past several weeks I've been limiting my candy sugar and switched to a carb or a natural sugar (fruit).

I also several weeks ago cut out aspartame completely. There was some discussion on here about how bad it was for you. I drank at least 2 bottles of water daily w/ a crystal light on the go packet in them. Switched to one bottle of plain water and one bottle of soda or juice.

In the past month I've only had a couple headaches and they've been the normal that time of the month hormones are whacked headaches. :yay:

Anyway, the above was just an FYI for anyone that may suffer from frequent headaches.

Next month we go for Botox injections in the neck and head! :yay:


My Sweetest Boy
pixiegirl said:
Many of you that know me personally know that I'm prone to migraines as well as regular headaches that can be brought on if someone so much as looks at me crosseyed. For years I have literally lived with a headache.

I still get migraines and they'll likely never go away. They are usually hormonal in nature. Relpax. This stuff is a Godsend.

Other then that I've been tracking them. When I get a headache I list everything I've even eaten in the hours before I got it, how much sleep I had the night before, etc. And the winner is.... SUGAR! If I eat a buttload of sugar then it's damn well certain I'm getting a headache. Processed sugar. Candy. So I researched it and there's something called reactive hypoglycemia (sp?) that only happens after you injest a buttload of sugar and ofter causes headaches. So for the past several weeks I've been limiting my candy sugar and switched to a carb or a natural sugar (fruit).

I also several weeks ago cut out aspartame completely. There was some discussion on here about how bad it was for you. I drank at least 2 bottles of water daily w/ a crystal light on the go packet in them. Switched to one bottle of plain water and one bottle of soda or juice.

In the past month I've only had a couple headaches and they've been the normal that time of the month hormones are whacked headaches. :yay:

Anyway, the above was just an FYI for anyone that may suffer from frequent headaches.

Next month we go for Botox injections in the neck and head! :yay:

I didn't know you were using Aspartame. A big no-no. My sis gets Botox (she works for a dr. that does that type of thing). She hasn't had a migraine in a few years.


Cleopatra Jones
cattitude said:
I didn't know you were using Aspartame. A big no-no. My sis gets Botox (she works for a dr. that does that type of thing). She hasn't had a migraine in a few years.

You know I never even thought of it until it was brought up on here. Sure as $hit I'd been drinking at least two bottles of water mixed w/ it a day.

The new doc has me on daily medication but it hasn't been very effective in preventing them. I go back next month and he said if things hadn't drastically improved Botox it was.


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Cleopatra Jones
kwillia said:
*havingavisualofpixieonBotox* :twitch:

They don't put Botox in your lips. I can't remember what they inject in your lips. My headaches are right-sided, back of the head near the base of the skull. So if it makes something look funny at least it'll be covered by hair. :lmao: :yay:


pixiegirl said:
They don't put Botox in your lips. I can't remember what they inject in your lips. My headaches are right-sided, back of the head near the base of the skull. So if it makes something look funny at least it'll be covered by hair. :lmao: :yay:
Oh god, I had so many replies to that post....I couldn't choose which way to go.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
pixiegirl said:
They don't put Botox in your lips. I can't remember what they inject in your lips. My headaches are right-sided, back of the head near the base of the skull. So if it makes something look funny at least it'll be covered by hair. :lmao: :yay:
I think they put collagen in lips. :confused:

I had no idea Botox would help with headaches. Mine or on both sides, towards the front, but I'm gonna tell them I get 'em between my eyes, too, so they'll fill in my scowl wrinkle! :eyebrow:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I found sugar was a major headache-maker for me, too, as was aspertame. I've cut way back on the sugar and don't do aspertame any more and rarely have headaches now. :yay:
jazz lady said:
I found sugar was a major headache-maker for me, too, as was aspertame. I've cut way back on the sugar and don't do aspertame any more and rarely have headaches now. :yay:
:bigwhoop: This is Pixie's headache thread... :bonk:


there is also a drug called topamax the dr can prescribe for you that will prevent the headaches .. worked well for me


I can't take Imitrex. Had a bad reaction in the ER one time. They pushed the "Big Red Button" and people came from everywhere. I felt special. :yay: