

Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Just realized that ALL of the sparkling water beverages that I drink a ton of a day (at least 4 or so 1 L bottles) contain aspertame! :banghead: AND, I have been trying to get away from diet sodas (w/Splenda even) and getting back to drinking more Crystal Light (aspertame) :banghead:....

Between my age and allergy/sensitivity changes, a possible increase in sensitivities to it (aspertame) and other food/allergens, recent dental work, tons of allergies and sinus problems, I can't even begin to figure out why I've had this marathon, three-week long headache :banghead:

My bet is on a sinus infection, but I think I am going to try to cut aspertame out of my diet as well.

Thanks for the post, Pix....


Did I mention, :banghead: I can't even think straight anymore...