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A breif synopsis:
Terrorist Attacks on Israel
From early 1965 to the Six-Day War in June 1967, the PLO through Fatah pursued a consistent policy of border attacks, particularly along the Jordanian and Lebanese borders. Criticism of these activities by the Arab governments and by local public opinion persuaded Fatah leaders to adopt a new approach known as "the entanglement theory." This involved using sabotage to force Israel to adopt an offensive position, which in turn would force the Arabs to step up their military preparedness. This cycle of action-retaliation-reaction would lead to a gradual escalation of tension on the borders, and eventually to the Six Day War in 1967.

In 1965, 35 terrorist raids were conducted against Israel. In 1966, the number increased to 41. In just the first four months of 1967, 37 attacks were launched.

There is evidence that Egypt was warned by the US and the Soviet Union in late May 1967 that war should be avoided, but by then the momentum to war was unstoppable.

King Hussein of Jordan signed a defense pact with Egypt on May 30, 1967, under which Jordan joined the Egyptian-Syrian military alliance of 1966 and placed its army on both sides of the Jordan river under Egyptian command. He had little choice since Jordan housed 700,000 Palestinian Arabs whose rioting in November 1966 almost brought down Hussein's government. On June 4, Iraq joined the military alliance with Egypt, Jordan and Syria. President Abdur Rahman Aref of Iraq added these words to the mountain of provocation:

"The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear -- to wipe Israel off the map."

Armed forces in the Arab countries were mobilized. Israel was confronted by an Arab force of some 465,000 troops, over 2,880 tanks and 810 aircraft. The armies of Kuwait, Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Iraq were contributing troops and arms to the Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian fronts.

Israeli forces had been on high alert during the three weeks of tension which began on May 15, 1967 when it became known that Egypt had concentrated large-scale forces in the Sinai peninsula, an alert status Israel could not maintain indefinitely. The country could not accept interdiction of its sea lane through the Gulf of Aqaba. Israel had no choice but preemptive action. To do this successfully, Israel had to achieve surprise, not wait for an Arab invasion, a potential catastrophic situation. On June 4, the Cabinet authorized the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defence to decide on appropriate steps to defend the State of Israel.
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Active Member
vraiblonde said:
Okay, Mr. History Major - care to tell us WHY the Palestinians were "kicked" off "their" land? Or WHY the Israelis "took over" "their" cities?

Or don't your anti-Semitic teachers tell you that part?

Yes - have you? That was a US error, not an Israeli error.
Not all palestinians are/were militant... The British and the French split up the Ottoman empire, though much of it was promised to Sharif Husayn for aiding the British in bringing down the Ottomans. Other agreements occured too, in the end France and Britain screwed all the other parties involved (including Russia) and divided the land up. The Palestinians started having a problem with this once the Jews started migrating there illegally and the Brits did nothing about it. The Zionists often encouraged this espicially when the British started detaining the Jews and made them stay on their Boats, IIRC the Jews planted bombs on their own boats and exploded them two times.

The Ottoman Empire lost WW1, does that give the victor country the right to force civilians out of their house? And once a state is established does that give the minority the right to force the majority to move?

I am not saying the Jews are at fault, I am saying its a double fault. The Jews and the Palestinians are share the blame equally. The British have some of the blame too. Its too big of a mess to point the finger at any one party.

And how was the US in the wrong with the USS Liberty? It was still in international waters when it was attacked, in addition to that why did Israel use unmarked planes to attack it when they had been flying by it with marked ones for hours previous?


This Space for Rent
Spoiled said:
though much of it was promised to Sharif Husayn for aiding the British in bringing down the Ottomans.

The largest part WAS made the Palestinian/other lands. Its called Jordan now for the most part. The thing is... they want all of it! They don't want the Jewish state to exist in ANY form.

The Israelies never forced the Arabs out. Even after the war. They could have slaughtered all the Arabs within their area, but they did not. They just expected them to live by their rules.


Active Member
FromTexas said:
The largest part WAS made the Palestinian/other lands. Its called Jordan now for the most part. The thing is... they want all of it! They don't want the Jewish state to exist in ANY form.
They just want what the British mandate gave to them, but that wont happen since jewish settlers are now there, and new Jewish settlements keep popping up quite often, some legal and some illegal (there is question right now if the Israeli government is funing the illegal ones). They dont need to continue settling land they are suposed to give back.

edit: Husayn and other leader of transjordan didnt want a Palestine nation because transjordan was not a nation run by Palestinians and yet the majority of the population was Palestinian, espicially after Israel forced them to leave...


This Space for Rent
Spoiled said:
They just want what the British mandate gave to them, but that wont happen since jewish settlers are now there, and new Jewish settlements keep popping up quite often, some legal and some illegal (there is question right now if the Israeli government is funing the illegal ones). They dont need to continue settling land they are suposed to give back.

edit: Husayn and other leader of transjordan didnt want a Palestine nation because transjordan was not a nation run by Palestinians and yet the majority of the population was Palestinian, espicially after Israel forced them to leave...

(Trans)Jordan is/was basically a Palestinian nation because they had the population to start with! Have you looked at the mandated map for what was transjordan at the time? They got about 80-85% of the area! Yet, it wasn't enough! The Israelies did not force out Arabs, the Palestinian forced themselves out. As for the small amounts of land that Israel does occupy (what they consider their buffer zones), they didn't just decide to up and take it. All the major Arab countries got together and planned to wipe them off the face of the Earth! They won a war against a much larger, very determined enemy that didn't just want them out, but it wanted them executed!

They showed restraint in their war. They didn't execute all remaining Arabs or any such thing as would have been done to them had they lost. They even allowed them to return to their lands, under Israelie rules.