Health Care for Kids: Because Some Things Are Not Negotiable


Ubi bene ibi patria
"Since the passage of the S-CHIP bill, the DCCC has been running a campaign of phone calls and radio ads to pressure Republicans who voted against it into switching their vote and overturning Bush’s veto. House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn says 15 GOP votes will do the trick.

But what about the five Democrats who voted against it, and still refuse to switch their vote?

We applaud the DCCC’s efforts to pressure those Republicans who side with George Bush against American kids. And this morning Blue America is joining with BlogPac to do the same thing by placing recorded calls in the districts of the five Democrats:

Jim Marshall (GA)
Baron Hill (IN)
Gene Taylor (MS)
Bob Etheridge (NC)
Mike McIntyre (NC)"

Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » Health Care for Kids: Because Some Things Are Not Negotiable


New Member
that bill needs to be rewritten before it can pass. It's a good idea, but it has some bad riders attached to it. Like the proposed tobacco tax that could legally add $10 to the price of each of the premium cigars I smoke. I don't think teenage premium cigar smoking is enough of a problem to warrant such a punitive tax.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's a horrible idea...

that bill needs to be rewritten before it can pass. It's a good idea, but it has some bad riders attached to it. Like the proposed tobacco tax that could legally add $10 to the price of each of the premium cigars I smoke. I don't think teenage premium cigar smoking is enough of a problem to warrant such a punitive tax.

...that the governments solution to 'expensive' things is to make other citizens pay for it.

Want to insure your kids? Buy a policy.

Want them to have a car? Buy them one.

Want them to eat? Have cloths? A place to sleep?