Heavy stuff for a Thursday morning


Asperger's Poster Child

...there is no such thing as "now." That just as there is no center of the universe, there is no location in the "loaf" of spacetime that's more special than any other...

...He notes, for example, a long-standing flaw with the standard big-bang theory of the origin of the universe: "It says nothing at all about time zero itself. And since, according to the big bang theory, the bang is what is supposed to have happened at the beginning, the big bang leaves out the bang. It tells us nothing about what banged, why it banged, how it banged, or, frankly, whether it ever really banged at all"...

"The single most shocking element of string theory is its requirement that the world have more than three spatial dimensions," Greene says...There may be 10 spatial dimensions all told, plus the 11th dimension we call time...

"So many people are searching for a deeper level of reality," Greene says. "We've already come up with a deeper reality, one that goes far beyond experience. I just think that makes the world so much more rich, so much more grand. I think it's just exciting."