Originally posted by rraley
I've seen alot from the Republicans on how terrible being a trial lawyer is for the best two days. Accordingto this poll, their attacks are way outside the mainstream.
A little bit about the author of that "project"...
About the Author (DavidNYC)
Posted by DavidNYC
I am a native New Yorker now studying law in Washington, D.C. I have always been interested in politics, and I consider myself a "blog child" of the DailyKos, a site which I cannot recommend highly enough. I am a lifelong Democrat, but my hope is that the analysis on this site is free from partisan favoritism. That is to say, I plan to examine all relevant issues rigorously, whether or not they favor Democrats.
Uh-huh. I'm sure it's free from partisan favoritism. At least he hopes so.
Oh, yeah. He wants to be a lawyer, too.