

New Member
Okay ladies, I need input. I never thought of height until I had a tall boyfriend. Now I am very conscious of it. What I'm thinking is men lie by about 2 inches about their height. 2 inches matters if you want to wear heels and it's a lie not stating true height if it's on the questionaire.

Maybe I'll bring a tape measure with me when meeting a newbie next time. One of the pro for old fashioned way of meeting - sight seen.


Happy Camper
Okay ladies, I need input. I never thought of height until I had a tall boyfriend. Now I am very conscious of it. What I'm thinking is men lie by about 2 inches about their height. 2 inches matters if you want to wear heels and it's a lie not stating true height if it's on the questionaire.

Maybe I'll bring a tape measure with me when meeting a newbie next time. One of the pro for old fashioned way of meeting - sight seen.

Hubby is 1 foot taller than me, so I'm used to the height thing. I run when he walks!! :lmao:


New Member
My ex was an inch or so taller never thought about it. Until now, 6 years later and past a taller significant other. Admittedly, I'm prejudiced for a taller guy. I guess I want reassurance that it doesn't make be a bad.


New Member
Any man shorter than I is a nugget. I have an aversion towards short men, I don't know why, but I once heard women tend to be more attracted to tall men. I never could stand Tom Cruise, who wants to kiss a guy and have to bend over holding your hair back like your drinking from a water fountain.:smoochy:


Throwing the deuces
Hubby and I are the same height (5'11). I'd prefer him to be taller (somewhere around 6'2) and he'd prefer me to be shorter (but only because he thinks he'd be better at controlling me). My dad and brother are both well over 6 feet so I'm more comfortable dealing with tall men. I tell hubby he's short for a guy, IMHO. :ohwell:

Maybe as I get older, I'll start shrinking and we'll both get our wish.
I am 5'7'' and my boyfriend is 5'11''. When I wear heels, I am very close to his height and I am self conscious about it; I always have been about my height. I think the reason is because I lived in Japan when I was younger and I towered over all of them, even the men (I have been the same height since 6th grade). A lot of my friends now are about 5'2'' - 5'4''... I still feel like the bionic woman.

My boyfriend did make me feel better by saying height makes me different... makes me attract the eye.


Well-Known Member
why would someone lie about their height? not like it's easy to see they are bsing...

Beats me, but lying two inches off seems like a lot. I'm more precisely 6'1.5" but I usually say 6'2". My boss is more like 6'2.25" but he also says 6'2" but it's obvious he is taller than me.


Beats me, but lying two inches off seems like a lot. I'm more precisely 6'1.5" but I usually say 6'2". My boss is more like 6'2.25" but he also says 6'2" but it's obvious he is taller than me.

i know...i'm 5'11" but i've never said i'm 6' as much as I would love to...my lil brother is 6'5" and my dad was 6'4"

mom however is a towering 5'5" FML...


Well-Known Member
Okay ladies, I need input. I never thought of height until I had a tall boyfriend. Now I am very conscious of it. What I'm thinking is men lie by about 2 inches about their height. 2 inches matters if you want to wear heels and it's a lie not stating true height if it's on the questionaire.

Maybe I'll bring a tape measure with me when meeting a newbie next time. One of the pro for old fashioned way of meeting - sight seen.

Men will always lie about 2 inches. :killingme


Cleopatra Jones
I'm 5' 3.5" or 5' 3.75" and I go with 5'4". It's amazing how many grown women have made me stand back to back and told me I'm tiny, I'm not that tall. It's amazing how many of those women get proved wrong. :lol: When you're short and small of frame people see you as much smaller than you are. I'm not short, you're just hefty! :dye: