Just spoke w the victim and she wants you all to know that you all know nothing about what kind of people her and her family are or what happened. And she has asked me to stop posting in their defense because people will think what they will. Their situation will be settled in court. Public opinion means nothing to her. So i am going to respect her wishes. HAVE AT IT, SLAM THE VICTIMS AWAY its nice to see that people are so one way.
Should either of these cases go to a jury trial your posts as well as others may very well have a large impact on a jury pool. I personally have had jury duty twice in the last six years. It would be a shame to have to stand up and admit that I was prejudiced by second hand information I received on a local forum.
I must say that I am shocked that names, personal background and other info is floating around this thread. Even more so because at the end of the day something that never made a paper or website locally was laid out for each and everyone of us like Thanksgiving Dinner and truth be said it was in the most part due to you.
I was not there and as tacky as it is to say, I have no dog in this fight. I get that you are protecting people that are close to you. At the end of the day though you may be doing more harm then good. Take this time to support those that you care about and pleasenlet these posts cease. At the end of the day no matter what happens all parties involved still live on the same road or in the same place and may very well be neighbors for many years. It is a sad, ugly situation but please stop throwing gasoline on the fire.