Hello all...

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Try to resort from using words like: "owie", or :snort:, or :teehee: - that is unless, you are a blonde - and are having a rare moment of (un)intelligence! :lmao:

Or posting ad naseum in Word Association threads. At least she HAS hair. You know, someone who claims to be an auto parts guru should know the proper name of their competitors.

RR was right it is Fisher now. Just the Cali and LTown stores are smaller now.

Federated, huh? :loser:

Oh, and you might want to do a little research about the Nobel Peace Prize. It's given out by Norway, not Sweden. :dork:

I've never owned a SAAB in my entire life; it doesn't look like I'll be hunting for one, anytime soon, either....

What are they drinking in Sweden these days? :whistle:

Here - I'll even link a reference to it for you since searching may be beyond your capabilites:

Nobel Peace Prize - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Go 'Saab' into your bottle of Ripple and cuddle up to your blow-up doll, old man. :otter:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Yeah I got a thing for virgins...oh wait...oh you meant the tight quarters of a sub...gotcha.

Man I almost went off in a whole different direction.

Yea Sev has a lot of fun on here so I figure as a husband, I can intrude on something that she has fun with and make her miserable...so she'll get off the computer and back in the kitchen.

(That's a joke before some feminist gets their panties in a wad)

You get back in the kicthen!

:howdy: I was voted nicest in 2008. :dance:



had an uncle on the U.S.S. Newport News in 'Nam........:patriot:


I love her wild,wild hair
:howdy: Welcome former sub guy! My oldest son is a junior at KU in the NROTC program, he is thinking about going in the nuclear/sub route. He spent a week on one for CORTRIMID a couple summers ago.


I AM an enigma
Welcome Pingsteal! You sound like you will have no problem figuring out when it is time to go "Super Quiet"... ha ha ha

Again, Welcome!! :buddies:


Why would I do that? I'm not scared of the forum nazi spell checkers. If you can't understand something I'm trying to say it's probably because of one of the following.

1. You might be illiterate...which...thinking about it, an illiterate person being able to access these forums with a degree of intelligence to actually post a coherent thought might be pretty damned funny. Severa tells me it's a daily occurrence on here.

2. I might be drunk, as I tend to mumble a lot when I'm drunk.

3. You could be a liberal. While being a liberal in and of itself is not a handicap (at least not yet), I know there might be times when I say something and someone just might not get the point. I have a friend that I've had to explain things multiple times because she just does not get the point.

Or some other type thing that I can't think of right now.

Either way, Forum Nazi Spell Checkers are in every forum. Trust me. I've been a gamer most of my life and I frequent lots of forums and game sites. They are everywhere.
You will definitely fit in around here. :lol:

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome

I am Pingsteal, Severa's husband. I'm sure several of you guys know her. This is my first foray into SOMD's forums, though I've been online for over ten years so not new at all to the online realm.

I'm former Navy, a submariner in fact, and I'm fiercely proud of that. This also means that I can hold my own in a fist fight, and war of words. I can take it, as well as dish it, so consider yourself warned. I'm one crazy SOB online and in real life and just like to have a good time.

Anyways, some of you I've met, just not here. Others I haven't met yet. Anyways, looking forward to chatting it up with you guys about whatever.

Now will someone show me to my padded room now?

:howdy: glad you finally came out and partied with Severa and joined the zoo here.


That Gin & Juicers hunk.
Thanks everyone for the welcomes! It's really appreciated!

To all the former sub peeps, BOOYAH! I think someone said they were on the New News...I've been parked next to her quite a few times.

And for the person who said I know when to go Super Quiet...lol....Severa is still waiting for me to go Super Quiet and we've been together 15 years. I'm too rambunctious to be Super Quiet.
