
Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
I hope you aren't the runner who runs on roads with no shoulders and when a car is coming the other way, you expect me aim for the other car and not you? :lol: After all, I have the tons of steel, engine and gas pedal and belong on the road. The jogger needs to get off to the side and yield to traffic.

Giving me the finger was classy :duh:

Oh, welcome to the forum :huggy: :howdy:


New Member
Actually I do not run as much as I did when I was in highschool. I play Rugby now Patuxent River Rugby Football Club :: prrfc.org. But I decided to keep the old screen name.
Have been hit by a car before when I WAS on the shoulder. Dude clipped me with the side mirror. Those things do hurt when they hit ya at forty.

Not sure why I maintained my silence so far.......