Hells Kitchen.


Pitty Party
I thought Ramsay yelled and used the f word a lot, but you're working your way up the list. :yay:

If you "fkg hate him" why keep checking this thread and replying? :confused:

Oh, and I won't bother to pit Ramsay's credentials against Flay's or Emeril's because I believe they are all great in their own right, with their own style. But I do think it is important to note that Ramsay has won many awards of excellence, so that he knows what he is doing is hard to dispute.

I don't think they "made" him mean; he wouldn't do the show if he didn't want to. But I think his Fox persona is exaggerated and I don't care for it.

He actually has two other shows (on the BBCA) - The F Word and Kitchen Nightmares, both of which are better overall. He still yells, because he's passionate and wants his protegés to succeed, but there are many times when he is relaxed, joking, and nice.

My apologies. Your right. It was a bad night.


Did anyone hear that Robert Hesse from the past two seasons is going to be a chef at Catarman's starting next month, I believe.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone hear that Robert Hesse from the past two seasons is going to be a chef at Catarman's starting next month, I believe.

I googled it, and a myspace link came up saying the same thing. I can't open myspace at work though.


"Mark It Zero"
I like Ramsey. I like his show "Kitchen Nightmares" even better than Hell's Kitchen.

When I was in the Marines, we were told: "Sometimes people don't know their dirtbags, until you tell them they're dirtbags."

I like how Ramsey tells it like it is.
I like Ramsey. I like his show "Kitchen Nightmares" even better than Hell's Kitchen.

When I was in the Marines, we were told: "Sometimes people don't know their dirtbags, until you tell them they're dirtbags."

I like how Ramsey tells it like it is.

Kitchen Nightmares realllllly makes ya think :dead:

Ha, that's a good saying :yay:


Kitchen Nightmares realllllly makes ya think :dead:

Ha, that's a good saying :yay:

Ditto. That show is good. Hells Kitchen and The F Word shows (which is how alot of resturants are run, stern, but gets the job done) that he is not a bully and does what it takes to make sure that patron's of his resturants and the ones he helps on Kitchen Nightares suceed.

Bobby Flay on the other hand is a arrogant jerk from what I have seen on his TV shows that I have seen makes me not want to eat at his places. Plus if you ever watch Anthony Bourdain (whatever your views are on him) has reviewed Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill in Las Vegas and found pretty much most of his food not great.
Ditto. That show is good. Hells Kitchen and The F Word shows (which is how alot of resturants are run, stern, but gets the job done) that he is not a bully and does what it takes to make sure that patron's of his resturants and the ones he helps on Kitchen Nightares suceed.

Bobby Flay on the other hand is a arrogant jerk from what I have seen on his TV shows that I have seen makes me not want to eat at his places. Plus if you ever watch Anthony Bourdain (whatever your views are on him) has reviewed Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill in Las Vegas and found pretty much most of his food not great.

Yeah, I could take or leave Bobby Flay. He always seems to use the same exact ingredients...we get it, you like spicy southwestern food with lots and lots of chili peppers :bigwhoop:

Although I would LOVE to have his patio/grill area :lol:


Super Genius
BTW, for those who are unimpressed by Ramsay as a chef, he is currently ranked #3 in the world in terms of Michelin stars behind Joël Robuchon and Alain Ducasse.


art imitating life
I like Ramsey. I like his show "Kitchen Nightmares" even better than Hell's Kitchen.

When I was in the Marines, we were told: "Sometimes people don't know their dirtbags, until you tell them they're dirtbags."

I like how Ramsey tells it like it is.

I love that show!


"Mark It Zero"
I've always wondered if he gets a cut of the profit later on... but then at the end of the show, I realize that he is probably just a nice guy deep down and wants to help people. Sometimes people need that swift kick to get going in the right direction...


I like Ramsey. I like his show "Kitchen Nightmares" even better than Hell's Kitchen.

When I was in the Marines, we were told: "Sometimes people don't know their dirtbags, until you tell them they're dirtbags."

I like how Ramsey tells it like it is.

Great quote, it's true. Many people think they're god's gift to everyone and need to be knocked off their high horses. And I always appreciate people who are direct, lol.

Hubby and I always watch that show and Hells Kitchen. Good times! Can't believe Robert's going to be working down here. I wonder how it'll affect business at the restaurant?