help on getting my heels down?


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
julis976 said:
i really need help on getting my heels down it is the biggest problem with me i dont know why its just so hard for me to get them down and i think thats why i cant do very much when i ride becasue of that i strech them out and everything but i cant keep them down any tips of anything

Here are some more good suggestions from a COTH thread. Plus some reasons that you might be having trouble getting your heals down.


Does my butt look big?
WhoCares said:
My biggest problem was my stirrups were to long. I just put them up a notch, and low & behold I have my heels down all the time now.

yes that will make it impossible..


New Member
julie if you've ever seen mine its years of traning.
what i did was i rode a devil pony, and i learned that if i kept my heels down longer i stayed on for 0.5 seconds longer (ok i actuly stayed on)
if bob will let you i can teach you one day.
youve got to literaly force them down, i saw you riding and your sturrips also look a bit short

wanna know a cool fact?
our muscles arent toned for our heeles down
so when people say its not a sport
i say
well we train our bodies to do things that they physicaly cant.


New Member
ponyhunter02 said:
julie if you've ever seen mine its years of traning.
what i did was i rode a devil pony, and i learned that if i kept my heels down longer i stayed on for 0.5 seconds longer (ok i actuly stayed on)
if bob will let you i can teach you one day.
youve got to literaly force them down, i saw you riding and your sturrips also look a bit short

wanna know a cool fact?
our muscles arent toned for our heeles down
so when people say its not a sport
i say
well we train our bodies to do things that they physicaly cant.

The word 'force' is not the term you want in your head. You don't want to be ridged you want to be soft and flexible. Some people naturally have more elastic ankles, some have to work on it. Refer back to Devine's post and work her suggestions. Heels down by themselves won't keep you in the tack. You still have to have contact along your full leg otherwise you'll just brace against the stirrups and probably end up in a chair seat. Your instructor during your lessons is the best person to help you with this. Training muscles takes time just keep working at it.


New Member
julis976 said:
i really need help on getting my heels down it is the biggest problem with me i dont know why its just so hard for me to get them down

I have the same problem and I am afraid that old habits will never die.


New Member
thanks for the advise everyone i will try some of the thing adn yeah ponyhunter. ill ask him to see if he will let u teach me but umm whats your name?


Ahhhh Florida!
If you take your stirrups off your saddle then you don't have to worry about keeping your heels down....just your toes up! :razz:


New Member
i have issues with loosing my stirrups at the canter and sometimes jumping because i dont distribute my weight evenly in my legs/heels always so then my heels will just ride up a little... well actully my whole leg rides up trying to squeeze my horsayy generally and oops there goes my stirrups, but ive gotten better. No stirrups helps, like pony hunter said, riding a diffucult horse/pony ALWAYS teaches you (wether they just do little things like dip there shoulder out or buck) devine and sadie gave you good ideas and info that will most def. help.. you can also try laps of jump position @ trot and canter, vertical far at the trot or canter; touching your toes, to jump position to vertical far and back down to touching your toes ect (tie your reigns in a knot, and this is really good if your horse goes on auto pilot or at least moves off your leg, it will help you to learn to steer without reigns... like using ur legs like u should, and also heels dopwn and def balance) at the trot, im not sure how well that would go at the canter unless your REALLY talented or on a REALLY REEALLY good horse, but any of those things really help. You may just need to build up your lower leg and work on flexing your heels... but im sure bob and theres lots of people there that if you ask to help you, they will. Im sure youll get it =)


New Member
When you are just walking around try walking on your heals with your toe pointed up keep your back straight. When I gave lessons I had my girls do that it streaches the calf muscles. I also had them get a ball about 8 to 10 inches and put between there knees and squis that helped them get stronger thigh muscles. They would do that while they were watching tv or doing home work.