New Member
i dont have a problem with your neighbors cats.....
as for other peoples animals and minding our own biz, all i have to say is if you think it is bad enough that the animal should be put down, then call animal control, because if they take them, that is what is going to happen most of the time. I wouldn't kill a dog that barks or has the misfortune to be kept outside by its owners, or a cat that is given free range. If thats what you think is necessary, call animal control, they have the needle ready
Well it's my business if I want to do something about the cats that are making a mess on my property. So who isn't minding their own business now???? I said I do usually mind my own business. I don't want my neighbors to hate me. We plan on being here for awhile.
You're obviously one of these idiots on here that like to take things out of context and put words in others mouths, so to speak. I probably wouldn't call AC for the barking dog. I think someone else already did that around here anyway bc I saw the truck not so long ago. I was using

I can't stand this forum for this reason. A lot of people like to point out how wrong other people are and act like they're superior to everyone else. When someone is asking for advice or help some people do offer suggestions which IMO is the right thing to do. I've avoided asking questions on here just to avoid the possible ass hole responses I may get. Instead I come one every few weeks and see if someone else asked the question. I am not confrontational and do not like to argue over petty stuff but this forum can really bring out the b**** in me.