Help the poor poor Katrina victims


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dck4shrt said:
"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

Who said that?
Who cares? You sound like my mother making stupid Al Gore/Chad jokes.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I find Bushisms annoying - but - they're never a measure of how good a President is.

I think Eisenhower was the person Michael Douglas's character in "The American President" was referring to, when he said we've had Presidents who were loved who couldn't put a coherent sentence together with two hands and a flashlight. We've had Presidents who were *brilliant* (Carter) but largely ineffective. We've had Presidents people look back on today, and think of them as great - but they were HATED as President (Truman).

There was a man who became President, and I thought he was far too stupid to be one - and some STILL think it - but he's often regarded as one of our best (Reagan).

And we've had plenty who were great talkers - but they were mostly talk.

So it doesn't bother me.

What DOES bother me is that six years later, he's still trying to be friends with political opponents who keep stabbing him in the back. It's time to stop bothering.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
You'd think Bush would learn that throwing money at social problems doesn't work. Every time he's tried it, it's backfired.

You know, I have to disagree with that. I think Bush did the right thing. Those people needed money and help immediately. What seemed to have caused all of the problems was, yes the scammers, but that FEMA did not take the time to check identies or verify the need. I know that is a difficult thing to do in a time of crisis, but...


That government has never safe guarded our money. Look at 9/11, billions of dollars donated to the victims and I bet Red Cross kept 60% for their back pockets. The governement didn't care. Look at disability, welfare, low income housing, all those dang trailers they HAD to buy for FEMA victims that are sitting empty. The goverment does't care how they spend our money, just as long as they have it to spend.

If a man builds a store downtown, and stocks it with diamonds, cars, Nike's and Coach handbags....but dosen't put any walls up, or hire any security guards, or put up security cameras, and leaves the place wide open to the public, whose fault is it for the thefts??

These people scammed FEMA because FEMA was a easy target.

"Like taking candy from a baby."

... And that's our tax dollars at work.

Rant Finished. Thank you.


Methodically disorganized
Sadysue said:
Those people needed money and help immediately. What seemed to have caused all of the problems was, yes the scammers, but that FEMA did not take the time to check identies or verify the need. I know that is a difficult thing to do in a time of crisis, but...

So the government is supposed to provide aid immediately... but also take the time to confirm the identify of thousands of people prior to issuing the debit cards? :confused:

Also, I'm not sure that your stance on withholding cards from prisoners is tenable. Do you have proof that only those with a prior criminal record defrauded the government?

I'm not sure whether this program was wise or not. Obviously, most of the people receiving the cards were already poor; if they had their own money they probably would have used it. A certain amount of illegality should be expected; these people were used to getting fat off the government, and here was another healthy, quick dose of cash.

Nonetheless, I think that, had I been in the position to do so, I would have given out the cards.

The DIFFERENCE in my execution would be allowing the cards to be used at pre-approved locations. Wal-Mart, Safeway, etc. It doesn't take a super-genius to realize that if someone is charging the card at or a plastic surgeon's office then the purchase is NOT being made for your kids or household.


SO, who exactly do I talk to, to get my tax money back that went to pay for all of this crap?! There needs to be an Emergency Relief Program For People Who Got Ripped OFF by the "Victims" of Hurricane Katrina.


hvp05 said:
So the government is supposed to provide aid immediately... but also take the time to confirm the identify of thousands of people prior to issuing the debit cards?

That whole thing was a complete fuster-cluck, and made a complete mockery out of government procedure, and the responsiblities of federal state and local govermnets.

The whole thing, and everyone involved - from Dubya Bush right on down to the beer stealing looters - are responsible for making it such a mockery.


Its a sad thing that in a time of dire need we have cultivated an entire layer of social strata that is scum.

I would be willing to bet that half those people who scammed the government legitimately thought it was free money from the government for them to party with because they are so accustomed to hand outs it is just second nature.

I think the government should rework the welfare system so that they do not collect the money and distribute it. I think welfare recipients should get a slip in the mail telling them which house to go to to collect their loot. Instead of opening the mailbox on the 5th of the month and getting a check from a faceless government, they would have to go to 343 Mocking bird lane, and have to ring the bell face the person supporting them and hold out their hand.


Pete said:
Its a sad thing that in a time of dire need we have cultivated an entire layer of social strata that is scum.

I would be willing to bet that half those people who scammed the government legitimately thought it was free money from the government for them to party with because they are so accustomed to hand outs it is just second nature.

I think the government should rework the welfare system so that they do not collect the money and distribute it. I think welfare recipients should get a slip in the mail telling them which house to go to to collect their loot. Instead of opening the mailbox on the 5th of the month and getting a check from a faceless government, they would have to go to 343 Mocking bird lane, and have to ring the bell face the person supporting them and hold out their hand.
I think you are so right. I have known a few people who have been on welfare for a brief period of time, due to hard times, and for the reason it was designed in the first place. I also know people who are on Welfare who think it is a lifelong right. The people I know who were on it for a brief period of time were people who actually needed it, got off of it ASAP, and didn't rob the system. The people I know who were and are still on it, think it is thier God given right, yet they have never done a damn thing to deserve it in the first place and they sure as sh!t haven't done anything to get off it. It makes me sick.


As a matter of principal I don't give a rats ass if it costs $2.8 Billion dollars to track down every last one of the scammers and throw them in a Joe Arpio style prison camp busting rocks.


Pete said:
As a matter of principal I don't give a rats ass if it costs $2.8 Billion dollars to track down every last one of the scammers and throw them in a Joe Arpio style prison camp busting rocks.
I'll donate money for that. I'd love to see them walking around in pink underwear and socks knocking on everybodies door apologizing for using my money to buy strippers, diamonds, electronic equipment, and personal services available on 3rd Avenue in DC.


Methodically disorganized
Pete said:
As a matter of principal I don't give a rats ass if it costs $2.8 Billion dollars to track down every last one of the scammers and throw them in a Joe Arpio style prison camp busting rocks.
:yeahthat: :yay: