Originally posted by dems4me
Its kind of funny that time and time again I see someone saying that the vote that went to Perot would have gone for Bush had Ross not entered. I am a registered democrat, my family and friends are all registered democrats and we all voted for Perot instead of Clinton. See Perot's votes split both parties. Clinton would of had the election by a landslide if it wasn't Perot. See there are two sides to every story. Not 100% of Perots votes were from republicans or Regan democrats. I'm and as alot of others couldn't stand Ronald Regan and I find it an oxy-moron to put those two words together (Regan Democrat).
You might find it funny, but the statistics don't bear you out. Perot voters were found to have a mostly Republican voting history. Perot did best in states that were mostly conservative, and "United We Stand" later followed by the Reform Party had mostly conservative platforms (would you have voted for the Reform Party's last candidate? Buchanan?).
Analyses have shown that most of the Perot vote came from the independent voters, who tend to vote Republican more often than Democratic. A small fraction came from Democratic voters, and the balance from Republicans.
The same year that Bill Clinton won - 1992 - Democrats *lost* nine seats in Congress. So what happened? Did independents and registered Democrats vote for Perot, BUT also vote Republican when it came to voting for Congress?
Every analysis I have ever seen points to the fact that Perot gained from conservative defections.
BTW - "Reagan Democrat" is simply a term that describes the defection of persons who traditionally voted Democrat who began to vote Republican. They're typically conservative Southern Democrats. Zell Miller is an example of someone who calls *himself* a Reagan Democrat.
It's important to remember that Democrats across the country are not cut from the same cloth. What will sell in Massachusetts will NOT work in the South. You might be able to gain votes in the North on issues such as gun control, but it will cost you votes in the South among Democrats - one reason that Gore never touched the subject in his 2000 campaign - WAY too much to lose.