

Tina2001aniT said:
I love this show, I really do.......

Last nights episode was :yay: :yay:

Spoilers Ahoy!
To those who've DVR'ed Heroes, don't read any further. You've been warned.

I thought so too.... but I thought it was going to have a little more oomph.

They've been hyping the "Save the cheerleader, save the world" bit since the beginning and when it finally happened, it was just 5-10 minutes squeezed into the end, and it was only one guy who showed up to save her. I don't want to say that it was anti-climactic, because it was definitely pretty cool... but I thought this episode was supposed to be the one where they all met up and took out Sylar as a unit.

Speaking of Sylar... COOL! I liked how he did the girls brain-pan with his finger!

I'm becoming increasingly irritated with how much of a tool Nathan is. And Nicki finally did something somewhat interesting besides strip.

Best part of the show:
"Only one of you gets to wear the tiara"

I think I'm really looking forward to next week. We get to see what happened 6 months ago. My guess is that the agency that Mr Bennet works for was affiliated with Chandra Suresh somehow and they gave everyone their powers.


Awesome show tonight. I can't wait to see who the cheerleaders father is.


Well-Known Member
juggy4805 said:
Awesome show tonight. I can't wait to see who the cheerleaders father is.
I think by not showing us, it's gotta be someone we already know. Probably one of the Petrellis.


Well-Known Member
Christy said:
Probably the older one.

That's my guess, although the younger one would be more ironic. However, it's clear the older one cheats on his wife, and at least one observer on IMDB says that it's his arm you see in the previews - and his ring.

I've been on the Heroes IMDB site where there's a thread on it.

Claire has said "I'm almost 16" - making her 15. That means her real dad would have to be about 35, which is about the age of the older brother.

Her mom, being a pyrokinetic, probably STARTED the fire that "killed" Claire.

At least a few people think that Mr. Bennett really is her real dad - and that she is the result of an affair, and he manipulated events to get his kid and have the mom believe that she was dead. You gotta admit, he's incredibly powerful for a guy with no powers.

Ok, I have my own questions.

Supposedly, Hiro's sword is "unsheathed" when he faces the dinosaur - so does he face one for REAL, or was all that just him seeing one in the museum? (Remember, the one he has is a fake, and broken). Later, Future Hiro carries it on his back - so we know he DOES get it. And his English is so good, it's unlikely that he got that good in just five weeks, before the explosion. So does he go back? How come his powers aren't working?

Why does the big boss - presumably, Mr. Linderman - who is also the mobster Nikki/Jessica is fighting - and who has the real sword - why does he want the explosion to happen? And why does he say that it can't be stopped? So far, no future event Hiro has seen has not come true.

Somehow it looks like the Heroes evacuate the city - mostly - except that Hiro is at the scene of Isaac's death - so I guess he doesn't make it.

Why in the world would anyone want someone as dangerous as Sylar be kept alive? He was able to kill Eden even while IN a place where his powers supposedly don't work. What is the place that Mr. Bennett works for?

On one of the sites, it's been observed that all of the Heroes have lapses of time - connections with Bennett or the Haitian - indicating that one way or another - they have been SPECIFICALLY manipulated or mutated on purpose. Who's doing this? Mohinder's dad? Did he do that? Or did Bennett get hold of "the list" and do his own work?


This Space for Rent
The Big Boss is Hiro's father. He is supposed to be one of the, if not the, wealthiest man in the world.


Well-Known Member
FromTexas said:
The Big Boss is Hiro's father. He is supposed to be one of the, if not the, wealthiest man in the world.

You'd think if he was the wealthiest man in the world, his son would have a better job.


This Space for Rent
SamSpade said:
You'd think if he was the wealthiest man in the world, his son would have a better job.

You would think. We will probably get the back story next show. I guess George Takei will be employed for a little bit, again.


SamSpade said:
I think by not showing us, it's gotta be someone we already know. Probably one of the Petrellis.

You're a genius.


Did you catch the license plate of the car that Hiro's dad got into? It was NCC-1701. Thats the hull number of the original "Enterprise" I guess it was there was of recognizing George Takai < Lt. Sulu, on the original Star Trek series>


"Fluffy world destroyer"
NTNG said:
Did you catch the license plate of the car that Hiro's dad got into? It was NCC-1701. Thats the hull number of the original "Enterprise" I guess it was there was of recognizing George Takai < Lt. Sulu, on the original Star Trek series>


Pretty cool episode last night. I'm wondering if the paper company is really on the good side.