Herpes in Southen Maryland



Living with herpes in Southern Maryland? Yea, it blows, especially for us singles. For those who may laugh or criticize us, consider this, 1 in 4 adults have it, 90% do not know it, so don’t laugh to hard. I didn’t know I had it and was beyond surprised to find out that the tiny little pimple, just below my belly button, was herpes. To this day, never anything more than that. It is the gift that keeps on giving and it comes back to pay me a visit about once every two years. Anyhow, looking to start or for existing support or social groups in the Charles County area, Waldorf, LaPlata, ect. I know there are a lot of us here.



I don't feel sorry for you.....I see how you herpes infested people have it on the Valtrex commercials...you get herpes, then you start doing all sorts of cool things like mountain biking on the coast, rock climbing and hiking.....

You never let your genital herpes slow you down!


Salt Life

I don't feel sorry for you.....I see how you herpes infested people have it on the Valtrex commercials...you get herpes, then you start doing all sorts of cool things like mountain biking on the coast, rock climbing and hiking.....

You never let your genital herpes slow you down!


New Member
I have had herpes for about 15 years now. It's not really that big a deal.

You know what is a big deal...when you know you have it but you don't share that information with the person you're with until after a while. Thank God I didn't get it and I no longer see this person.

Be straight and up front about it.


Since you are so opened here, I assume you're one of the good guys who lets each partner know before the act. :yay:


yeah well i don't let anyone know....cause its goo fo me

What an a*swipe! What would be really good for you would be a ghetto dictionary, maybe it ll even have the spelling of the word "good" for you.
I ll even use the word in a sentence for you:

Beetljuice is a good for nothing piece of crap. :lmao: