Didn't Scarborough kill a page or something in his office? How has this loon lasted so long?
Joe Scarborough used to be a firebrand Republican. During the Clinton impeachment and the Gulf War he'd go on TV to opine and he was so great I wrote the one and only fan letter of my life...to him. Never even wrote Leif Garrett when I was a kid, but I did write to Joe. And received a reply! If Larry Gude wasn't pushing up daisies (ha) he'd tell you how excited I was to get that letter. And it wasn't even a form letter - it was personal, responding directly to what I wrote to him.
Then he was great on Scarborough Country. And great on Morning Joe....until he got the TDS and completely changed. Even Mika - honestly, I used to enjoy her. I rarely agreed with her but she had a take and didn't suck. And she was funny, playing scold to Joe's cut up. Now they are both freaking mental off the rails batshit. They are the new Keith Olbermann. <--remember when he was the only complete psycho loon on that network? Now they're all nuts.
Also, circling back, I remember when the aide died in his office and the Democrats went medieval on his buttocks, saying he killed her. Michael Moore did a whole website dedicated to it, and DailyKos hammered it every day for months. So perhaps that's why Joe slipped to the dark side - he couldn't take the attacks and dirty dealing from Democrats.
There was a time when Morning Joe was quite Trump-friendly.