Hey RoseRed........


My Sweetest Boy
Cool spider on my fence the other day

I didn't have time to go get the camera but I looked this one up. It's a Golden Orb spider. The zig zag in the web was really different looking and was woven within the web itself. The spider was huge.

<img src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/jrlvr8/orb_or_andrewscross.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">


Cleopatra Jones
I have some spiders that look kinda like that but a little different. The body is really long and skinny. They make massive webs and take them down daily. Come out around dusk.

I also have wolf spiders (I assume) in my garage that are monsterous.

Funny thing is I'm more affraid of small spiders then big ones.


My Sweetest Boy
This is spider time. My way around being creeped out is to call them all "Charlotte." My Charlottes (probably like what you are seeing Pix) build their webs every evening near all the outside lights. Easy dinner pickings. Webs come down during the day and go up every night.


My Sweetest Boy
pixiegirl said:
I also have wolf spiders (I assume) in my garage that are monsterous.

Silly, those are "hand spiders." :lmao: My son (22) has "affectionately" named them that because he says they are as big as his hand.


Cleopatra Jones
cattitude said:
This is spider time. My way around being creeped out is to call them all "Charlotte." My Charlottes (probably like what you are seeing Pix) build their webs every evening near all the outside lights. Easy dinner pickings. Webs come down during the day and go up every night.

I have those too. The one or couple that I was talking about are huge, probably 4" long (including legs of course) the body alone is 1-2 inches and only a cm wide if that. I'll have to see if I can find a picture of it.


Cleopatra Jones
cattitude said:
Silly, those are "hand spiders." :lmao: My son (22) has "affectionately" named them that because he says they are as big as his hand.

I've learned to live with them. I smoke in the garage or outside so I don't have much of a choice. They're not leaving. :lmao:
cattitude said:
Put them under his pillow for a real surprise on Christmas morning. :yay:
If I bought those for Dymphna, You'd all be able to hear her scream. Even Rose if she was visiting family in Cali.


Not dead yet.
The "zipper" spiders are aggressive, too! Have you ever knocked downt the web of one of the big ones? They act like they're gonna come kick your booty!

The other orange/white/brown/black orb web spiders are pretty quiet though. I just don't like finding their webs in the dark first thing in the morning. :spittingandwipingmyface: