Hey Smokers....



Cowgirl said:
My BF's mom used it to quit also. She has been smoke free for about 5-6 weeks too. She's tried to quit before, but this time seems to be working.

I might give this a try - did she loose weight like Resident?


Well-Known Member
dems4me said:
I might give this a try - did she loose weight like Resident?

Hmm...I don't know. If she has, it's not much. I'd rather be a few lbs overweight and smoke free than thin and a smoker any day though. :lol:


Cowgirl said:
Hmm...I don't know. If she has, it's not much. I'd rather be a few lbs overweight and smoke free than thin and a smoker any day though. :lol:

I was thinking that if it made me loose weight, that may be worth giving up smoking for :lol:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Cowgirl said:
Hmm...I don't know. If she has, it's not much. I'd rather be a few lbs overweight and smoke free than thin and a smoker any day though. :lol:
I'll let you know if I ever have that attitude! :yay:

In all seriousness, smoking is a personal choice. Decisions about where you can smoke have gone off the deep end.

But - This subject is reasonable and rational. On the occasion that I flick - forgetfulness/old habit - I immediately feel guilty. Not just for fire hazzard or awareness of other drivers (open windows/motorcyclists) or even just littering.. but also that we live near so much water and that eventually, the rivers and Bay inhabitants may get clogged by our butts.

(so, I put them out, bag them and trash can them until transfer run... If the squirrels decide to make lunch out of them, that's their Darwinian fate :lol:)


Well-Known Member
Tinkerbell said:
I'm tempted to take this little bit, out of context, and use it for my siggie! :lmao:

Think that's what happens when too many people go swimming? :shrug:


New Member
Cigarette flicking is a pet-peeve of mine. When I was younger, I worked at a motel and every morning I had to go around the parking lot sweeping up the butts and I was amazed/disgusted by how MANY there were, every day. THEN, I married a smoker who always flicked the butts out the window. One year we decided to take a camping vacation for a week in the VA mountains, so we hooked up the pop-up camper and headed down the road. She flicked a butt out the window, it lodged in the space where the top and bottom of the camper meet, ignited the canvas and mattress and burned the whole thing down. Total loss. So we saved what we could from the ashes and headed back home and as soon as we started down the highway, she lit up another cigarette. I have never wanted to choke someone so badly in all my life.


Baby blues
beerlover said:
Cigarette flicking is a pet-peeve of mine. When I was younger, I worked at a motel and every morning I had to go around the parking lot sweeping up the butts and I was amazed/disgusted by how MANY there were, every day. THEN, I married a smoker who always flicked the butts out the window. One year we decided to take a camping vacation for a week in the VA mountains, so we hooked up the pop-up camper and headed down the road. She flicked a butt out the window, it lodged in the space where the top and bottom of the camper meet, ignited the canvas and mattress and burned the whole thing down. Total loss. So we saved what we could from the ashes and headed back home and as soon as we started down the highway, she lit up another cigarette. I have never wanted to choke someone so badly in all my life.
Did your beer drinking bother her? :coffee:


Well-Known Member
residentofcre said:
Never thought I'd be saying this... but if anyone wants to quit I found an easy way to quit... I quit almost 6 weeks ago... haven't gained a pound... as a matter of fact I've lost 27 and I don't miss smoking a bit.... Chantix is a pill ... best cure in the world... smoked for over 40 years...

Just a thought..... :coffee:
Cool that it worked for you. I just saw something on TV a few weeks ago about this and wanted to check into it more. They say it could well curb cravings that alcoholics have for alcohol as well.................... :whistle:


New Member
Tinkerbell said:
Did your beer drinking bother her? :coffee:

I didn't care that she was a smoker.... To each his own... Plus, my beer drinking never cost anyone any property damage. Besides, I keep all the cans in the car and never toss them out the window.


Well-Known Member
beerlover said:
I didn't care that she was a smoker.... To each his own... Plus, my beer drinking never cost anyone any property damage. Besides, I keep all the cans in the car and never toss them out the window.

PSSSssst....you shouldn't drink in the car.


wv4x4 said:
How long do you have to take Chantix for? Whats the cost?

It's a 12 week thing... you have to get a prescription from your doctor...

The first week you can smoke but by the 5th day you really don't want a cigarette anymore. It closes down the part of the brain that wants nicotine.

I have actually gone through the nicotine withdrawal with none of the side affects... no need to slowly withdraw because there was no craving... it has been really easy....

I never... ever... ever thought I would quit.... but now I can stand around people who smoke and it doesn't phase me at all... I'm 7 or 8 weeks [I'll have to check the calendar] tomorrow and it's awesome....

the first pack of 4 weeks was about $50 ... the next box is cheapest at Walmart $112 and I'll have to get the price for the last 4 weeks... cause I haven't gotten there yet...

Oh and there's a website with a goofy daily reminder of how good you are doing and why you quit and what you should be doing today to continue...

Peter Forsberg

New Member
Cowgirl said:
This should be common sense, but please don't throw your butts out the window. It is very dry out and fires can easily be started (as we've seen by the brush fire thread, and several field fires in our area). There's a reason your cars have ash trays! :howdy:
Example Lighthouse!!!!! Most smokers don't care.