Hey War?


No Longer the Kid
Dude, War is nothing but protein, it's in his blood!

So, just do what I do, I follow him around the gym, and when he sweats, I catch it in a cup, or steal his towels, then I take it home, break out my chemistry set, and break it all down and the protien forms in to crystals...

I haven't had to buy protein in like, 4-5 months I think :yay:


New Member
Dude, War is nothing but protein, it's in his blood!

So, just do what I do, I follow him around the gym, and when he sweats, I catch it in a cup, or steal his towels, then I take it home, break out my chemistry set, and break it all down and the protien forms in to crystals...

I haven't had to buy protein in like, 4-5 months I think :yay:

:twitch: Did Kris hack your account?


Well-Known Member
I think you get a :whoosh: since she was making a sexual reference
All The Way is by far the best I have ever had. Cin Bun is good, Vanilla is great, Cup Cake Batter is just awesome. Best stuff out there Thanks War!
Glad you like it!!! :buddies: I'm stocked up for like 2-3 months, but I wanna try their other flavors.
Dude, War is nothing but protein, it's in his blood!

So, just do what I do, I follow him around the gym, and when he sweats, I catch it in a cup, or steal his towels, then I take it home, break out my chemistry set, and break it all down and the protien forms in to crystals...

I haven't had to buy protein in like, 4-5 months I think :yay:
:eyebrow: So, that's where my sweaty underwear has been dissapearing to...
:twitch: Did Kris hack your account?
Ugh x 2....


New Member
Wirelessly posted (Baconator 9000: Opera/9.60 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/4.2.13918/554; U; en) Presto/2.2.0)

All the whey not way dumbass. :lol: I must have been half asleep typing this one.


Well-Known Member
Wirelessly posted (Baconator 9000: Opera/9.60 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/4.2.13918/554; U; en) Presto/2.2.0)

All the whey not way dumbass. :lol: I must have been half asleep typing this one.

I knew what you meant... I doubt anyone else would've noticed. :lol:


Dream Stealer
I just ordered the cinnamon bun all the whey..I have generic GNC strawberry. I just kinda choke it down. hopefully this is better :)


New Member
I'll tell ya this much it (cin bun) is a lot better with some skim milk than with water.

I usually do 2 scoops of whey, 4oz of skim, 1/2 cup crushed ice, and some times add a bit of fruit. Plop it all in the magic bullet and 30 seconds later it taste better than a mcdonalds shake. The after taste is kinda bad now though. Not sure why this is happening but it lingers for hours unless I eat something else.