
Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Generally, you can get around CRE if you know the main roads : Catalina, Gunsmoke, Thunderbird and Tomahawk. These more or less form a continuous loop.


Come Play at BigWoodys
LOL yeah I would say GPS would work best. Especially if your up on the golf course side of the hood. Luckily we live directly in the middle off of Catalina. Welcome to the area.


Jamiemar21 said:
I have know idea where the admin building is!... Im on a white rock... is that close by?

I'd stay off those white rocks, around here that usually means a bunch of birds were on it earlier :lmao:
Anyway welcome to the neighborhood, in time you'll figure the road system out.


New Member
The one thing my teenage daughter taught me was that if you get lost to follow the roads with the double yellow lines (the main roads) you will eventually find your way out of the Ranch Club! Good Luck and Welcome!


Jamiemar21 said:
Hey guys... We've made it to CRE. So far so good... although this is the most confusing neighborhood I have ever been in! Is their a map or anything of all the streets, lol.


I grew up in that rabbit's warren. And I've returned - for now.

Back then it was a lot easier to navigate and learn your way around, since there was less traffic (a lot less), and if you slowly cruised around examining your surroundings, you didn't back up traffic for 15 miles within 2 minutes. Maybe get on a bicycle and check things out - that's how I learned my way around. There are (or at least there were) many hidden areas in there, which are incredibly cool and beautiful. If you're into hiking, there is (or at least was) a lot of woodland for exploring, which also yeilded surprisingly fun and beautiful vistas.

I know that most of the isolated areas that I used to go play with my friends, and build forts now have houses on them, but I'll bet there are still some gems laying around. The places that we used to go when we got older to hang out and make out are mostly still there.

You'll learn your way around. Explore, explore, explore. A lot of roads do go 'somewhere', instead of just dead-ending, but most end up looping back out to the main road, or end up in a cul-de-sac.

Welcome to the neighborhood.


New Member
Hi guys...

I come in from the post office... I guess im going to go venture out today, lol. If you see a blue trailblazer wondering around... its me...
And yes, I do have a child... 17 months... and expecting one more in the spring...
Ill talk to you all soon...
Thanks for being so helpful!


Finishing last
Well if you're coming in from the post office, turn right and head past the lake. When you come to the end of that road GunSmoke/ Chisholm trail/ Thunderbird Dr. (the road changes name a couple times) You will be at the intersection of Catalina. Take a right on Catalina and follow it around till you come to Club House road. Go straight through that stop sign and the Office will be just a little way up on your right.

Good Luck and welcome to CRE and the forums


Golden West Way, Clubhouse and Catalina make a circle too...Almost takes you to the front entrance... I didn't see that in the posts... Thunderbird, Chisholm, Catalina, Big Sandy[?] Tomahawk Gunsmoke... that circle will take you past two entrances almost....

Welcome to the neighborhood... it's good to have you here... we have great schools and wonderful neighbors.


Active Member
Choklatjunkeee said:
The one thing my teenage daughter taught me was that if you get lost to follow the roads with the double yellow lines (the main roads) you will eventually find your way out of the Ranch Club! Good Luck and Welcome!

Very good advice. I moved here 10 years ago and spent an hour lost in here because I had no idea! LOL

And welcome...


New Member
Welcome to the hood! I am sure I drive by your house every day. I am further back on the lake. We have been here 4 years and love it.


New Member
Josimmon said:
Welcome to the hood! I am sure I drive by your house every day. I am further back on the lake. We have been here 4 years and love it.

Hello again! I will have to take a walk back with the kids tomorrow and see what the house looks like!! I sure miss living there!!! My kids would LOVE to be on the lake - I know I loved it as a kid.



New Member
Hi CRE! 09-20-2007 02:36 PM Back at ya, retarded freak. You really need to stop sending weak unsigned karma.

Why do you care so much? Pathetic, yes i know it is you MMdad, you are the only idiot who hunts down my posts to give me red after i give you some red. durh.


New Member
nicole_moreland said:
Hello again! I will have to take a walk back with the kids tomorrow and see what the house looks like!! I sure miss living there!!! My kids would LOVE to be on the lake - I know I loved it as a kid.


What years did you live in the Ranch Club?


New Member
My parents and us kids moved down in 1996, we had a house fire in 2000. (the house in which Josimmon now lives in!) I graduated in '02, moved away from home and then came back 'home' in 2005 to raise my family here :smile: So basically we've been in CRE for almost 12 years, my mom still lives here, but after the house fire, we rented a house near Seahorse until they built their home on the lake near Seahorse a year later. My dad passed away in 2001.
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New Member
nicole_moreland said:
My parents and us kids moved down in 1996, we had a house fire in 2000. (the house in which Josimmon now lives in!) I graduated in '02, moved away from home and then came back 'home' in 2005 to raise my family here :smile: So basically we've been in CRE for almost 12 years, my mom still lives here, but after the house fire, we rented a house near Seahorse until they built their home on the lake near Seahorse a year later. My dad passed away in 2001.

Oh, you are much younger than me. I was hanging out in the Ranch Club during the 70's & 80's.

action jackson

New Member
Welcome to Southern MD
A good map with CRE is available at the welcome center on Solomons right under the bridge. I think it is about $2. A lot of delivery drivers use it because CRE is indeed a hard place to navigate around. The welcome center may also be able to provide you with a lot of other information you want about the area.


New Member
nicole_moreland said:
Hello again! I will have to take a walk back with the kids tomorrow and see what the house looks like!! I sure miss living there!!! My kids would LOVE to be on the lake - I know I loved it as a kid.


Hello again!! Sorry we have not been doing a lot in the yard...been too busy. Maybe sometime when we are not so busy we can get together and I will give you a tour of your re-built home. My kids love the lake but this year the lake was a little scary...got the "warning notice" about the water.