Hi everyone !

Fishn Guy

That's Dr. Fishn to you..
Coaster said:
zoojim, allow me to translate for you-

Good morning and welcome to the SOMD.com forums from your pal the Fishn_guy. >>Everybody is on my nerves and you are about to become a headline in tomorrows paper if you don't watch your step.

The people here are generally freindly
>>Fishn_guy is baiting you into a very hostile, negetive situation. Degrading your opinions and general being will be satsifying to his almost non-existant self-esteem.

and have small genitalia.
>>Fishn_guy has not had sex for years

You should find that after a few bumps, you'll settle in nicely.
>>Your mind will numb

A lot of people come here for advise also, so feel free to tell us all your personal problems and we will direct you to the most knowlegable in that area
>>It's a cruel, cold world, and the fact that you have to use an online 'forum' to express yourself is proof of that. You see, when the chips are down and you need help, your family and 'friends' really don't give a flying rats a## about your feelings and opinions.

Welcome to the FORUMS!
I care. and I'm offended. I can't believe that you would say such a thing about a person as caring as I. I really don't know who you are but your opinions are not welcome or appreciated. Now, please refrain from future hostilities and go back to the anus you came from.
Your Pal


New Member
Fishn Guy said:
I care. and I'm offended. I can't believe that you would say such a thing about a person as caring as I. I really don't know who you are but your opinions are not welcome or appreciated. Now, please refrain from future hostilities and go back to the anus you came from.
Your Pal

First of all, the "people are generally friendly and have small genitalia" part of what you said put you in the 'all bets are off' category.
You don't know who I am? View my public profile.
My opinions are not welcome or appreciated? Maybe not by you, but I got lots of green off of my post.
Refrain from holstilities? Oh, you are the hostile psychotic
Go back to the anus you came from? I live in Lexington Park. Where's Anus?


New Member
Coaster said:
First of all, the "people are generally friendly and have small genitalia" part of what you said put you in the 'all bets are off' category.
You don't know who I am? View my public profile.
My opinions are not welcome or appreciated? Maybe not by you, but I got lots of green off of my post.
Refrain from holstilities? Oh, you are the hostile psychotic
Go back to the anus you came from? I live in Lexington Park. Where's Anus?

I forgot to mention Fishy, you've got guts. Much credit for not being a coward and sending a reply instead of simply sending unsigned red. Hats off.
Coaster said:
I forgot to mention Fishy, you've got guts. Much credit for not being a coward and sending a reply instead of simply sending unsigned red. Hats off.

You really don't know Fishy do ya? :snacks: