Hi..I'm Moondog Michaels..NEW Morning Host at WSMD Star 98.3


Moondog Michael said:
No, you are Correct !! SF pays more, but I am not in this for cash..At this point of my life, being happy and on the EAST coast is worth more. PLUS, money is better true..but a gallon of milk out there is 3 bucks a gallon, rent ran 1600 a month.

have you bought milk here yet? :lol:
I listened this morning on the way in to work and.... well, let me compare it to having a favorite bar and a favorite bartender at that bar and then the bartender up and leaves... and then...


I enjoyed the music and the DJ this morning... I reset a push button back to 98.3 ....:yay:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Moondog Michael said:
No, you are Correct !! SF pays more, but I am not in this for cash..At this point of my life, being happy and on the EAST coast is worth more. PLUS, money is better true..but a gallon of milk out there is 3 bucks a gallon, rent ran 1600 a month.
Cheapest place to buy milk here is Walmart at $2.29/gallon. Giant is up near or over $3.


Active Member

Congratulations Moondog :)
You made it through your first day--and I enjoyed you!
You did fine!

Hope you like it here, it will be quite a change for you...I, myself, am a transplant, and I have enjoyed the people and scenery everyday. Wish I had been born here!

hugs and best of luck at your new job!!!


BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
mudpuddle said:
Congratulations Moondog :)
You made it through your first day--and I enjoyed you!
You did fine!

Hope you like it here, it will be quite a change for you...I, myself, am a transplant, and I have enjoyed the people and scenery everyday. Wish I had been born here!

hugs and best of luck at your new job!!!
