Hi-tech contact lenses show texts and maps


Lawful neutral

Imagine texting while driving, or placing a call while showering, without holding your phone in your hands. It's not sci-fi any more – a new technology allows information like text messages and driving directions to be projected onto a contact lens.

The hardware behind this invention is a spherical curved LCD display that can fit into a contact lens, developed by Ghent University's Centre of Microsystems Technology in Belgium.


Power with Control
Shouldnt, with proper training. Pilots handle multiple tasks simultaneously all the time........

Sorry, WTH was I thinking....."with proper training"? Hell, they will be shown the "ON" button and turned loose. Might as well give'em fender mounted .50s and oil slick dispensers, wont make'em anymore dangerous:killingme


PREMO Member
Man, you do go way back doncha:buddies:

I played the P -n- P version for many yrs, but I also have the Mac version ... for Color Mac II's and System 7


I got my 1st DND books @ 14 in 1979 - the Boxed Set, DM and Players Guide
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