Hi There!

Chasey_Lane said:
No, Sxy...good, thanks for asking. You?

LOL...no, I knew it was you, but I wasn't sure who Jabba is. Still, I thought it had to be someone nice so I was trying to do both in the same post.

Anyhow, I'm doing really well but the meanies are sucking away all my karma.
Great, just what this place needed...yet ANOTHER way to make sure that people can be mean to one another.
I miss everyone, but especially you and Pix. You two were my buds from the beginning!
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Jersey attitude.
alfredprufrock said:
Hi there everyone! New to the forums, but not to Southern Maryland. Just thought I'd put out a post to say hi! :smile:

But DO you wear your trousers rolled? Do you eat peaches? Do you drown on a regular basis? Been etherized on a table lately? THOSE are the important questions! A man like that could sing MY love song any day!

( :lmao: ) It's TS Eliot, folks. I am NOT that weird, even if I am from NJ!
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AMP said:
But DO you wear your trousers rolled? Do you eat peaches? Do you drown on a regular basis? Been etherized on a table lately? THOSE are the important questions! A man like that could sing MY love song any day!

( :lmao: ) It's TS Eliot, folks. I am NOT that weird, even if I am from NJ!

But who's gonna ask if he's having a fish fry?


Jersey attitude.
justin anemone said:
But who's gonna ask if he's having a fish fry?

I will.... Hey, Alfie, you frying up any fish? Anytime soon?

Somehow I think he prefers tea and cakes. :biggrin: