

New Member
Hi, just moved here from Arizona...going to be living the 'hotel' lifestyle for a few months until I can get the family moved down...anyway, why is it so damn cold?!?!? j/k


hey there welcome to southern maryland it has been very cold lately hopefully u will get use to it there is not much to do around here but you will figure that out quickly good luck with moving out here i really hope you and your family settle in quickly


New Member
Welcome! I don't know which you'll like more, our bitter cold, dry air, rainy, (but more recently snowy) winters or our disgustingly hot and HUMID summers. Hope you brought your own spring and fall with you.

Don't jump to conclusions, i'm not pooping on southern Maryland. I was born and raised here and have called her home all my life and i've always defended her as it seems mostly everyone puts her down BUT.....the climate here leaves much to be desired.

Now ask us about our problem areas.


New Member
Tell me about it.
Last time I was there I got married

I would suggest you try Las Vegas next :buddies: Arizona just isnt your place to be :killingme

Lived in Az for 16 yrs. Didnt appreciate it till I left.. Doubt I would move back to stay but always on the back of my mind to visit more often.


Welcome! I don't know which you'll like more, our bitter cold, dry air, rainy, (but more recently snowy) winters or our disgustingly hot and HUMID summers. Hope you brought your own spring and fall with you.

Don't jump to conclusions, i'm not pooping on southern Maryland. I was born and raised here and have called her home all my life and i've always defended her as it seems mostly everyone puts her down BUT.....the climate here leaves much to be desired.

Now ask us about our problem areas.

I think we have a good clinate here, myself....:shrug:, just ask folks from the Upper Mid West or New England what a real winter feels like, or those in the Deep South what a real summer is like...I think we have the best of all 4 seasons........:buddies:


Power with Control
Sorry, Top, as a man raised in New England, with some quality time spent in MN, I think this place gets hosed for weather. We get all the crappy parts of winter, the cold, the wet, the nasty, without the things that make it a cool season. My kids get to go sledding, or make snowmen, or have a decent snowball fight once a year, if lucky.

Summer? Too damn much of it, or at least of the wrong kind. China Lake, now thats a summer I can get behind. About 20 degrees hotter, but no humidity. I would prefer a New England summer, nobody should sweat just from standing outside at 7am:) 50-60 in the AM is just right:)

Fall and spring are just fine, although a little more color in the fall would be nice:)


New Member
Hi, just moved here from Arizona...going to be living the 'hotel' lifestyle for a few months until I can get the family moved down...anyway, why is it so damn cold?!?!? j/k

Don't get too used to it. Southern Maryland is a microcosm. We've worn shorts on Christmas day in past years. Guess you could say weather is fickle around here..


New Member
Funniest welcome so far was from the trucker who transported my car here, when he picked up the car in Phoenix he asked "why the hell are you moving to Maryland, I'm from Maryland"

I had a good job and nice house in AZ, just looking for something different career-wise and so was my wife. I was offered a job on the Pax River base and she was offered one in Greenbelt or Reston (her choice). I think we may end up living somewhere in N. Calvert County..looks like houses are way more expensive there than Phoenix though.


New Member
Has anyone dealt with Mark's Automotive? They seem relatively reputable and they have a late model Mercedes in for service right now.


Methodically disorganized
I think this place gets hosed for weather.
:yeahthat: Course, I'm not really a summer person, but I did not run into too many who enjoyed the humidity in all my years there.

Climate is not exactly conducive to vibrant Autumns. But being from Arizona, ANY color might be amazing to him.

As far as "bitter cold"... when your high temp has a - (minus) in front of it, you can say you've felt bitter cold. :lol:


Power with Control
Marks has a fairly good rep. If all you need is a simple water pupm R&R, and it has no bizarre, M3 only facets, like say having to loosen the motor mounts to get access. My old SRT-4, you had to remove the intake manifold to R&R the starter, and replacing the intake plumbing was crucial, since it was a turbo motor, and any misalingment of the piping from the turbo to the intake would leave a boost leak. check with the guys at bimmerforums, or m3forums, make sure there is no oddball stuff like that.

Now, hv, I didnt say bitter cold, I just said cold:) My graduation weekend from boot camp, back in 83, it was -85 with the windchill, so, yep, I know bitter. Ive spent time in Alaska and Iceland too:) Take this AM. What a waste of "winter". Not cold enough to properly snow, just sorta ice, maybe kinda. Weak:) Just wintry enough to crappy, but not enough for fun:)