Hillary Clinton calls for 'formal deprogramming' of tens of millions of Americans who are 'extremist'


PREMO Member

I survived Mao. Hillary Clinton's call for 'deprogramming' of Trump supporters is no joke, it's alarming

In a recent CNN interview, former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called for "formal deprogramming" of what she terms as the "MAGA cult." Formal? Did she mean government-sponsored deprogramming?

This is not the first time the left is calling for deprogramming of the right.

In 2021, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., proposed using taxpayer funds to deprogram white supremacists, a code name for conservatives and MAGA Republicans.

The list of others calling for deprogramming also includes Katie Couric, former CBS News and NBC "Today" host, who told Bill Maher in 2021: "And the question is, how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump."

Why such a call for deprogramming?

After the thorough demonization of Donald Trump, the left has been totally dismayed that his supporters still stand behind him with unwavering conviction.

The only option left for the left is to demonize all conservatives and MAGA Republicans as extremists, as white supremacists, or as threats to "our democracy" —in other words, enemies of the state.

Still vivid in everyone's minds are the inflammatory words from President Joe Biden’s speech in Philadelphia in September 2022, condemning Republicans with words like "extremists" and "threatens the very republic" with the satanic dark bloody red background behind him as he spoke, flanked by two Marines.

A year later, as the 2024 election draws closer, Newsweek reported this week that the FBI has "quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump's army of MAGA followers."

The left means serious business. This is how the "enemies of the state" should be dealt with: deprogram and suppression. And this is exactly what happened in China, the country controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) where I spent the first 26 years of my life.


PREMO Member

Hillary Clinton is an evil person

By Patricia McCarthy

“Sociopaths are attracted to politics because the see it as a sphere in which you can be ruthless and step all over people. That fact that some politicians can tell such awful lies is another example of sociopathy. Sociopaths lie—they see nothing wrong with it.”

― Alexander McCall Smith, The Revolving Door of Life

An evil person is someone who engages in malevolent behaviors. They are frequently immoral, depraved, wicked and/or mentally ill.
Each of those words can easily be attributed to Hillary Clinton. The many crimes she committed while the First Lady of Arkansas are well-known old news; Whitewater, Rose Law Firm, an impossible windfall on cattle futures, her unceremonious firing from the Watergate Committee for lying (before her marriage to Bill), etc.

She was, it would seem, a born criminal, and a very greedy one. The Clinton Foundation was nothing but a massive grift that made the Clintons very rich, a pay-to-play operation; it did little or no charitable work.

Before it was about power, it was all about money. She felt that, with her Wellesley and Yale education, she was entitled to wealth, no matter how she came by it.

Then, once she had a taste of power, her desire for power superseded her lust for money. But she craved both and as we all know, she would go to any lengths to get both.

She was certain she would win the presidency in 2016 but she took no chances. She enlisted far-left lawyer Mark Elias to quietly get election laws changed to benefit the Democrats. She commissioned the Steele dossier and the Russian hoax was off and running. It would take up the next two-plus years and $35 million spent on the Mueller phony investigation.

The fabricated-out-of-whole-cloth fairy tale was our mainstream media’s drug of choice. They were consumed by it and fell for every made-up morsel that was leaked to them. Molly Ball bragged about how they stole the election in Newsweek. The Pulitizers gave awards to reporters at both the WaPo and NYT for perpetrating the biggest lie ever told.

Hillary refused to acknowledge her 2016 loss for a day, she was so certain that her win was in the bag. By 2020, she knew about all the cheating and likely underwrote most of it, the ballot-harvesting, the corrupt machines, the drop-box stuffing “mules,” the illegally changed election laws with COVID as a ruse. It was rumored that she threw a bottle of champagne at a $100,000 television screen that election night.

She is a disturbed woman. Her “Trump’s supporters are a basket of deplorables” line will define her forever as will her assertion to Christiane Amanpour that Trump’s supporters need to be “de-programmed” as if she is Mao re-incarnated (or Lenin, or Stalin).

She is an evil woman; every word she uses to condemn Trump is true about herself. That she is so self-unaware is hardly news. Is there no one in her life that can rein in her viciousness? Seems not…Bill and Chelsea suffer from a similar personality disorder.