Hillary Clinton has a body double


Lawful neutral

Among speculation that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's health is failing, there's another theory gaining traction online: she might have a body double.

The only "evidence" of this theory is photographs taken Sept. 11, when Clinton ducked out of a 9/11 anniversary ceremony in New York because she felt "overheated" and is battling pneumonia.

Some say the differences lie in the details: cheekbones, smooth versus wrinkled skin and body composition.


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New Member
Also read on Conservative 101 that there is a full blown Urgent Care Center with Doctor and Pharmasict in Chelsea's $11Million Apartment. Someone checked the address listed for a Doctor's office, same address as Chelsea's one floor apartment. The plot thickens.

Vote for Trump! Hillary can't protect Classified documents.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Do you suppose they'll send the body double in to debate Trump?

They should dress Bill up. He was always a great debater.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering where her secret service members were when the little girl ran up to her. I guess if it wasn't HRC, there was no reason to worry.


Lawful neutral
I don’t think there is a Hillary Clinton anymore. :shrug:

I think it’s just a wrinkled skin suit Bill is wearing…probably the first time he’s been in her since the 90’s.


Well-Known Member
I don’t think there is a Hillary Clinton anymore. :shrug:

I think it’s just a wrinkled skin suit Bill is wearing…probably the first time he’s been in her since the 90’s.

I like it. We'll call it the "Dread Pirate Roberts" theory :lmao:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The horror to think there could be another tormented person that looks like her.....


professional daydreamer
Also read on Conservative 101 that there is a full blown Urgent Care Center with Doctor and Pharmasict in Chelsea's $11Million Apartment. Someone checked the address listed for a Doctor's office, same address as Chelsea's one floor apartment. The plot thickens.

Vote for Trump! Hillary can't protect Classified documents.

There are already rumors of her death.



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
It's disturbing that this woman has such a lust for power that she is covering up very serious health issues in order to achieve it. She is sacrificing her health in a quest for power! It's stunning the lengths she will go to. She doesn't give a sh*t about this country. She will destroy whatever she can in her path


Well-Known Member
[video has been removed by user]

This might have been the broadcast they had on Chris Plante the other day, where the breaking news was Hillary's death.
He could not stop playing it or laughing at the sheer stupidity of the anchor who read the material without hesitation at its lunacy.