Hillary looks like she is heavily drugged


Well-Known Member
I just saw Hillary on TV. She appeared as though she is heavily drugged. Her eyes looked hazy and you could tell she wasn't taking care of her hair as she normally has. She looked pretty bad. Had to feel sorry for her.


Well-Known Member
Who cares, and why feel sorry for her? Knowing the M.O. of her and her team, that video was probably a calculated publicity op staged to garner the sympathy vote.

She chose to be in the spotlight, and that means not just for the good.

The hildabeast looks like she really is.


Well-Known Member
LOL...what religion is this under?

Not under any religion - just the reality of the situation. I'm not hoping for her any bad tidings, but life is what it is. We are commanded to pray for our leaders or wanna be leaders, good or bad, but not to condone or promote them or their cause.


I just saw Hillary on TV. She appeared as though she is heavily drugged. Her eyes looked hazy and you could tell she wasn't taking care of her hair as she normally has. She looked pretty bad. Had to feel sorry for her.

I refuse to feel sorry for her. She showed no remorse for the Benghazi fiasco and this is karma coming back to bite her in the ass.
"What difference at this point does it make?"


Well-Known Member
Who cares, and why feel sorry for her? Knowing the M.O. of her and her team, that video was probably a calculated publicity op staged to garner the sympathy vote.

She chose to be in the spotlight, and that means not just for the good.

The hildabeast looks like she really is.

Couldn't agree more. After the snafu she made when she called Trump supporters "deplorable" this takes the attention away from that and gives her the sympathy out. you know, "how can you pick on the poor sick woman."