Hillary veep?

Nanny Pam

...I'm kidding?

Obama back stabbed his political mentor in the back to get into the Illinois state senate. His own people admit he would have had no chance if she'd been on the ballot. He challenged her petition, the very letter of the rules, which is EXACTLY what checking on HIS qualifications to be potus is.

You think he's the first one to do that, play dirty, play hard? The last?

There is a very good case to be made that this is Hillary's one and only shot at the Whitehouse, which I think can be said to be her life's dream. You think she isn't seething with how she ran her campaign, dying to have it to do over? You think having Barrack Obama DQ's because he doesn't meet the qualifications for the office is going to make her lose a wink of sleep?

Republicans aren't gonna do it for her and it's almost too late.

We'll see.

I said "Oh Larry" because you've got the Political bug...really bad.

And so do I.

I agree with you, but I voted for Biden in your Poll. I hope he does take Hillary, though. :howdy: