Hmmm...What to do in this situation


Super Genius
Florida councilman won't swear support for US
MIAMI (Reuters) - A newly elected councilman in a tiny Florida village has refused to take an oath of office pledging support for the U.S. government because he adamantly opposes the war in Iraq.

Councilman-elect Basil Dalack, 76, a Korean War veteran, won an uncontested election to fill a vacancy on the five-person council of the southeast Florida town of Tequesta.
If he won't take the oath of office, what happens? Does he lose his job? It was an uncontested race. This one is definitely a :confused: for me.


Part of taking a job like this is the ability to perform the duties required, which is why you take the oath. If you can't take the oath because you can't perform the duties you shouldn't have the job.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That is interesting. I assume the people who voted for him applaud his activism, or else they wouldn't have voted him in in the first place.

So what happens when a US town votes down support for the US government? Does that mean they've seceded from the Union?
vraiblonde said:
So what happens when a US town votes down support for the US government? Does that mean they've seceded from the Union?
We shall take back Florida... then on to California we shall march...:war:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Part of taking a job like this is the ability to perform the duties required, which is why you take the oath. If you can't take the oath because you can't perform the duties you shouldn't have the job.

Time to toss him and hold a special election - he can't run.


vraiblonde said:
That is interesting. I assume the people who voted for him applaud his activism, or else they wouldn't have voted him in in the first place.

So what happens when a US town votes down support for the US government? Does that mean they've seceded from the Union?

What caught my attention was the mention of his Korean War veteran status. My guess is that he did what that Dem in Ohio did... run on his servie record while leaving his views out. This guy probably ran on his veteran status, then once he wins he let's his true views be known.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
He sued the village and asked U.S. District Judge Donald Middlebrooks for an emergency order that the oath be reworded.


The mayor said the village of 5,800 is made up mostly of middle-aged conservatives,

This will teach 'em and, hopefully, get more people to run for these offices so nuts like this guy don't automatically win because they ran unopposed.

So I take back my comment about the people who voted for him.