Want to challenge the HOA?
The HOA's responsibility it to enforce the rules and restrictions of the covenants. Covenants are [in most cases] written by attorneys working with the developer of the subdivision. The developer wants to create rules and requirements for the community that will not negatively impact his profits... That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
As stated earlier, covenants are near impossible to change. In order for them to be enforceable they need to be recorded at the County level and transferable with the sale of the property. There are ways to change them but it takes a very large vote from the owners of all effected properties in order for it to take place.
This thread started with someone wanting to put livestock on 9 acres where it wasn’t allowed by covenants. If I had moved from a location where people were painting their houses red with chartreuse shutters and yellow trim, and I had done my homework making sure the covenants for my new home were restrictive on what was allowed, I wouldn’t want someone raising horses, cows, ponies, or anything else that belongs on a farm. Believe it or not, thinks that people don’t want to live next to have a bearing on what your house is worth.
And for all those out there saying screws the HOA, do whatever you want… Be careful doing that. If the HOA starts legal action against you, the first thing they are going to do is withdraw you permission to any amenities that the community might have to offer [pools, golf course, etc.]. They will also likely place a lien against your house making it impossible to sell until you satisfy the HOA. This would mean having to pay back all of the legal fees, with interest… If you think your going to win that fight, your wrong. The law is on the HOA’s side.