Holy Pyrotechnics!


In My Opinion
jazz lady said:
You forgot "hold my beer"... :roflmao:
See, now here is the main problem with Y'all down there in Souther Maryland.

Danged wanna be rednecks, but you dont know the basic rules.

having lived in Moyock North Carolina for some time, I was privilaged to be included in the brotherhood of redneckedness while there.

rule one.
Regardless of the stunt being pulled off, to be a true redneck stunt, and not just an idiot stunt, the stunt in question must be performed
1) while barefoot
2) while family watches
3) with no more than 20 teeth
4) With your danged Beer in your hand at the time of stunt execution. You never ever under any circumstance pass your Beer off to a redneck buddy, he will either drink it, or pee in it.

Three things the true redneck does not let out of his hand.
1) his Gun
2) his Dog
3) his BEER

The wife can be traded for Beer in hard times.