Home appraisal


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PREMO Member
Originally posted by bluto
there was a crazy bird who sat on the door and pecked at himself in the rear view mirror.
Was it a Cardinal?


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Barbra
HEY! We get three (or more) sales comparables that are generally less than six months since date of sale and w/i a mile of the subject property for a sales comparison analysis. People always want to blame the appraiser if their house comes in lower than they expected because everybody thinks their shite is worth more than it actually is.

The thing that sucks about comparing our house to sales of houses within a mile of ours, is that they are all much smaller than mine. :bawl:


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by Christy
The thing that sucks about comparing our house to sales of houses within a mile of ours, is that they are all much smaller than mine. :bawl:

Christy, they do try to match size, etc. They compared our house to houses 12 miles away..go figure....(and this was three different appraisal companies).

Our home always appaised for more than we expected.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
The thing that sucks about comparing our house to sales of houses within a mile of ours, is that they are all much smaller than mine. :bawl:

We had a heck of a time get comparables in our area for the new house. Because we live in such a rural area, there's not many, if any, new homes within a mile of us that are one story. I think it took 3 different appraisers before the bank found one that would use comparables that matched more closely to our home and weren't within a mile of the house.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Barb - were the appraiser and mortgage company local? All ours were from the Annapolis to Baltimore area and seem to have a real problem with rural areas.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by http
Take my word, its all who you know. Find a friend, get them to get you an appraiser. I re-financed last year. The appraiser-friend gave me whatever I wanted. He was out there for 15 minutes. Basically said, "nice house".

Its all who you know still.

I want your appraiser! :lol: I'd like to live in a million dollar home! :wink:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by http
Its a double-edged sword though, be careful. Just because your house appraises high doesn't mean its going to sell high. I just needed to re-finance, so my bud bumped me up 30Gs. No major biggie. If I had up'd it to say 50 or 100+ then I'd be ultimately shooting myself in the foot.

I have no intentions of selling. We'll be here until we die, or our kids send us packing to the nursing home.


Football season!
Originally posted by Barbra
Local appraiser, local mortgage company. You get some nitwit from outside SoMD and they don't have a friggen' clue about the area and they raise a big stink about EVERYTHING. Why on earth would you refi or do a home equity, etc. on your house w/ a lender you'll never meet or see anyhow?

You only see the person once, so what does it matter?


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by SmallTown
You only see the person once, so what does it matter?

Exactly. Last time I refied..did it online..got a great rate and reduced my loan by 10 years. They even came to my place of work for settlment. No muss...no fuss. If you don't plan on moving, you don't care who does the appraisal as long as you get what you need for the refinance. The only time you care what the "true" appraised price it is when you sell your home.


b*tch rocket
I think it's all relative anyway. I've yet to fully understand the whole appraisal deal. To be quite honest, when I saw the selling price for my house after looking at a billion different places, I thought it was a misprint, and there was no way it could be selling for so cheap compared to other houses in the Southern MD area. Granted, it was listed $20K under the appraised value. Everyone is always very shocked when they find out how much we paid for our house.

It's worth a million to us, and we'll never sell it. :biggrin:



You will be surprised when the appraisal comes back. I refinanced my house 2 years ago from 8 3/4 to 7.25 (30 year loan) , and I just did it again to 5.25 % (15 year loan). I was surprised that the house appraised for $25,000 more then it did 2 years ago. We did enclose a porch and put in a gas stove, but both jobs combined cost less than $5,000 (we did the work). We have a custom built cap cod, 2870 sq feet, 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms, with a 1 car garage that appraised for $225,000.

I thought that was high, until I picked up a Homes Magazine for the Southern Maryland area. It is unbelievable the prices of homes today compared to 2 years ago. I know we will not be moving anytime soon, because I don't want to scrap up the household income to make a mortgage payment. :rolleyes:

I think when the interest rates go back up, the house values will go down.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Uh, Christy, I don't suppose it's occurred to you to ask Barbra about appraisal value? I mean, because she works for an appraiser and all. :bubble: :lol:

We just refi-ed our house and guess what that bad boy appraised at? $300,000! Yes indeed! And you've seen our house - it's just a house, no biggie. I about choked!

It helps if you've just had a neighbor sell for a big sum - I guess it's what comparable houses in the area are going for, dunno, but the appraiser seemed to be very interested in what our neighbors' house went for.

Mr Speedo

New Member
Originally posted by Barbra
HEY! I work for a real estate appraiser.

I got two appraisals two yrs ago that resulted in a 15K delta! If you're lucky, or know someone in the business, I believe you'll get awfully close to what you're looking for in a refinance, provided your finance company does its job.

However, all bets are off if you're selling. Value is then truly dependant on the condition or "curb appeal", coupled, of course, with the true market value. In my humble opinion.




b*tch rocket
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Uh, Christy, I don't suppose it's occurred to you to ask Barbra about appraisal value? I mean, because she works for an appraiser and all. :bubble: :lol:

We just refi-ed our house and guess what that bad boy appraised at? $300,000! Yes indeed! And you've seen our house - it's just a house, no biggie. I about choked!

It helps if you've just had a neighbor sell for a big sum - I guess it's what comparable houses in the area are going for, dunno, but the appraiser seemed to be very interested in what our neighbors' house went for.

Good job!!! I bet it was the paint jobs! :wink:

Barbra's boss appraised our house the first time! We've been pm'ing. :biggrin:

I see the crappiest houses in Mechanicsville going for between $250 and $350K! Mine looks WAY better!