Home Birth


New Member
We are expecting our third in December and are seriously considering a home birth this time around. We had midwife assisted births for our first two children (our first born in a hospital, our second in a birthing center within a hospital). I was a little annoyed to find that the nearest midwife that delivers is an hour and a half away in either Alexandria or Annapolis (we live in Pax River). I'd rather have a midwife come to me rather than be in labor on the road 90 minutes so that is why we are leaning towards doing it at home.

Is anybody else frustrated by the lack of birth options these days? It seems like if you want an epidural or even a scheduled induction or c-section, you can find somebody to do it, but if you want a normal, natural, unmedicated birth you really have to look.

I read that yet another birth center (the one in Bethesda) is closing. It just makes me sick (or that could be my constant morning sickness). What choice will our daughters and granddaughters have?


Does my butt look big?
My girl friend had 2 home births.....and she was home ALONE...cut the cord and all herself....I think you are being a sissy looking for someone to be with you.. :lmao:


Salt Life
Hawkeyewife said:
Is anybody else frustrated by the lack of birth options these days? It seems like if you want an epidural or even a scheduled induction or c-section, you can find somebody to do it, but if you want a normal, natural, unmedicated birth you really have to look.
No. I was happy to be in a hospital with doctors and nurses and lots of drugs. The days of cave women are long gone! :biggrin:


Chasey_Lane said:
No. I was happy to be in a hospital with doctors and nurses and lots of drugs. The days of cave women are long gone! :biggrin:

:yeahthat: There is no way on this earth I want to go through all that pain if I don't have to. I'm allergic to pain! Not to mention, if I hadn't been in the hospital with my children, my first son would have undoubtedly died because I would not dialate. My daughter would have also died because she was stuck and had the cord around her neck 3 times. My third child had heart trouble, so I am glad I was in the hospital!


Where are my pants?
Thank God for the modern elective c-section. :yay:

(Good luck with your home birth. There was a CN Midwife at my OB/GYN's practice in Leonardtown named Carol DeHaven--I'm not certain if she will do a homebirth, but since she's in the area it may be worth your while to give her a call. She can be reached at Dr. Tilley's office: 301-475-8599)


New Member
I had an emergency c-section after a failure to progress labor with my first (18+ hours)...and then I asked for a c-section the second time around with our twins. My 2 c-sections were easier combined than those 18 hours of labor were.

Too many things can go wrong and I'd be paranoid. Plus, I was not out to be superwoman by any means and go through unnecessary pain. I asked for my epidural only 3 hours in before it even got bad.

Good luck in whatever you chose and may your labor be quick and easy!!! And congrats!


New Member
Why suffer and endure a painful birth when you have methods to eliminate the pain and enjoy the birth of your child. I had an epidural after 4 hours of hard labor and because of it I actually enjoyed her birth. It makes the thought having another much more pleasant!


New Member
I have a friend that is going to have a home birth in July I will get the info and let you know.:)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
See, I would have loved to had a home birth. I was so ready to go home about 5 seconds after popping out the kid that I could hardly wait. As long as you anticipate a normal vaginal birth with no complications, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to birth your children in the comfort of your own home.

My mother was born at home because that's how they did it back then - I was the first kid in my whole family to be born in a hospital. So it shouldn't be such a big deal.
Other than getting my bed all icky and having to replace things I think it would be cool! A friend of the family had both her girls at home. :yay:

After problems w/ pregnancy #1 a hospital was my only choice. My labors progressed so quickly I barely made it to the hospital with either of my last two kids.

I arrived at the hospital a full 10cm with #2 and had no pain meds. With #2 I arrived at a #7 and was able to get an epidural, but if I ever give birth again ( which is highly unlikely ) I'd never EVER get pain meds again! It wasn't worth the trouble!


New Member
Club'nBabySeals said:
Thank God for the modern elective c-section. :yay:

(Good luck with your home birth. There was a CN Midwife at my OB/GYN's practice in Leonardtown named Carol DeHaven--I'm not certain if she will do a homebirth, but since she's in the area it may be worth your while to give her a call. She can be reached at Dr. Tilley's office: 301-475-8599)

I have been to Dr Tilley's office because Carol was the only CNM around but she no longer delivers. I saw her yesterday for my last appointment with them and I plan to stay "active" in case something comes up with this pregnancy and I am not able to deliver at home.


Mommy of 2
Congrats on your new baby on the way ! I had both of my kids in the hospital the thought of having them at home scared me just thinking that something could happen but that's with anything

I wish you the best and((((( easy labor vibes )))) :flowers:


Well-Known Member
Pasofever said:
My girl friend had 2 home births.....and she was home ALONE...cut the cord and all herself....I think you are being a sissy looking for someone to be with you.. :lmao:

That's taking a big risk.


I bowl overhand
Chasey_Lane said:
No. I was happy to be in a hospital with doctors and nurses and lots of drugs. The days of cave women are long gone! :biggrin:

Having watched 4 natural births, and two with an epidural, I'd say you're crazy for not taking advantage of modern medicine. It was so much easier on everyone involved, no stress, no screaming, nice relaxed. I think it made the whole expereince more enjoyable and memorable for everyone.

That would be like going into the ER with a gaping wound on your head, and insisting they sew it up with out any local anithstetic.. and using a knitting needle and horse hair..

Would you have an appendectomy while wide awake with no local??


Well-Known Member
itsbob said:
That would be like going into the ER with a gaping wound on your head, and insisting they sew it up with out any local anithstetic.. and using a knitting needle and horse hair..

Would you have an appendectomy while wide awake with no local??



Well-Known Member
itsbob said:

That would be like going into the ER with a gaping wound on your head, and insisting they sew it up with out any local anithstetic.. and using a knitting needle and horse hair..

Would you have an appendectomy while wide awake with no local??

no, having an epidural would be like going in tothe ER with a gaping wound and asking them to give you anithstetic and to give it to your kid too.

depending on the length of labor, epidurals not only anesthetize the mother but also the baby. they also tend to lengthen the amount of time spent in labor since you can't feel when/where to push.