Home Birth


Well-Known Member
Hawkeyewife said:
We are expecting our third in December and are seriously considering a home birth this time around. We had midwife assisted births for our first two children (our first born in a hospital, our second in a birthing center within a hospital). I was a little annoyed to find that the nearest midwife that delivers is an hour and a half away in either Alexandria or Annapolis (we live in Pax River). I'd rather have a midwife come to me rather than be in labor on the road 90 minutes so that is why we are leaning towards doing it at home.

Is anybody else frustrated by the lack of birth options these days? It seems like if you want an epidural or even a scheduled induction or c-section, you can find somebody to do it, but if you want a normal, natural, unmedicated birth you really have to look.

I read that yet another birth center (the one in Bethesda) is closing. It just makes me sick (or that could be my constant morning sickness). What choice will our daughters and granddaughters have?

Good luck with the home birth. It's not for everyone, that's for sure. Here's to a short, easy labor with a healthy delivery :buddies:


New Member
Thanks everybody for your well wishes. I understand that some people may think it is crazy to have a natural birth. I just hope that when our children are ready to have kids that they have a choice in how they wish to birth. I'd hate the medical community (or rather the lawyers and insurance complanies) dictate how women are to give birth.

It might just be me, but the thought os electively "scheduling" a birth kind of freaks me out since the medical community still does not know exactly how the body knows when a baby is ready to be born.


New Member
I almost had a home birth with my daughter. Not by choice...lol! Luckily i was able to get to the hospital. The cord was wrapped around her neck not once but twice and i had an emergency c-section. there are too many things that can go wrong. Why risk it. What ever you choose i hope it goes smoothly.


I had a midwife lined up, she delivers the Amish in the area, but if it weren't for us buying a home I would do it. Our insurance covers only part of it and we don't get reimbursed right away. If anybody is looking for an excellent midwife who delvers in the area PM me... she is wonderful.


What love is all about
I would not mind having a home birth but cant. All three of mine have bee natural and there has not been any stress or screaming for the one who said it was easier with an epi. I have high blood pressure though while pregnant so I have to be watched during labor and delivery. Otherwise this would be awesome. I however did have a doula with my first and that was nice as well, but have not been able to find any of them in this area.


I would not mind having a home birth but cant. All three of mine have bee natural and there has not been any stress or screaming for the one who said it was easier with an epi. I have high blood pressure though while pregnant so I have to be watched during labor and delivery. Otherwise this would be awesome. I however did have a doula with my first and that was nice as well, but have not been able to find any of them in this area.

There was a Doula in Leonardtown, I can't remember her name. I have a book my partner is reading called The Birth Partner : A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Doulas, and All Other Labor Companions by Penny Simkin.


New Member
Hey Hawkeyewife...

Did you ever find a midwife?

Yes, our third child was born at home in Dec 2007 with the help of a midwife. We chose Birth Care in Alexandria, VA. We are expecting another baby this fall and are planning another midwife assisted home birth with Birth Care again.


New Member
Yes, our third child was born at home in Dec 2007 with the help of a midwife. We chose Birth Care in Alexandria, VA. We are expecting another baby this fall and are planning another midwife assisted home birth with Birth Care again.

Congratulations! I'm glad you got to deliever at home!