Good for you. You are officially an idiot! Making moonshine is illegal and you just posted on a public forum not only that you made some but you described your process with enough detail to incriminate yourself. I'm forwarding a copy of this thread to the proper authorities.
There are thousands of recipes for distilled alcohol all over the internet with much more detail than I provided. Just look for yourself.
Distilling alcohol is mainly illegal for the fact that it can be sold without being taxed. Since I don't plan on selling any I have little worry. It is certainly not illegal to describe the process, this falls under our freedom of speech. Now if I was claiming I was selling it, then yes that may be a different story.
If you think alcohol distillation doesn't happen than you are naive sir. If you think the moderators or local law enforcement or whoever else cares about such idle talk go ahead and report it to them. It is a shame people cannot have a truthful conversation without people acting like small children. I wish you the best sir, but I do not appreciate being called an idiot.